why are they all be closed
it's because you put contact infomation. so there is no need for anyone to reply to the post.
In response to Xzar
And to take that a step further...

It is because those people put contact information that they wish to be used to get ahold of them, and despite that fact someone allways happens to come along and reply to those posts anyway.
In response to Loduwijk
*raises hand* I'm the guilty one here. when people post contact info, there is rarely a need to let people respond in the thread itself since it is obvious that the poster wants to be contacted directly. it's closed to try and prevent the usual suspects of making commentary that should be directed to the author of the thread, and not wasting space in the forum.

if the author wants to bump such a closed post (after the appropriate length of time of course: 24-hours-and-off-the-first-page), they are free to contact a forum mod to have it opened for them to bump it. or you can contact me directly via email ( or ICQ (115534214) or Yahoo (thedigitalmouse) and i'll do it personally.