...that a screen writer has been hired to write the adaptation(s) of Dragonball Z for 20th Century Fox. This is the first real progress in getting such a movie made since Fox acquired the rights. Among other things, Keanu Reeves has not been hired to play Goku. :P

Note for Dragonball fanatics: having a writer on board doesn't translate to a movie in the can... Superman V, for instance, just lost their 11th or 12th director and tossed out their 54th script.


The source of this information is the Hollywood trade paper Variety, not a webpage post by an unnamed source who claims to have a job with Fox. Like I said when somebody linked to a two year old rumor page, when a studio is gearing up to actually make a movie, they don't keep it secret, they want everybody to know.
I thought Keanu Reeves was supposed to play as Gohan.
In response to Skyxxlag
I hope you're just playing along. :P He hasn't been cast as anybody. No one's been cast yet.
In response to Hedgemistress
Ah, awhile back I was looking in a magazine that suposedly showed who would be casted.
I think the writers are going to have a real challenge. There are several things to be taken into consideration:

  • How will '1337' be pronounced? Should it be 1,337 or perhaps 'leet'?
  • A counter will need to be placed in the bottom right of the screen showing random 'PL's.
  • What will happen to characters who are banned?

    I could write a whole list, but I believe that it wouldn't take much effort to come up with a few more on your own.
In response to HavenMaster
Considering this has nothing to do with the fan community the humor of making fun of this is lost on me.
In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Considering this has nothing to do with the fan community the humor of making fun of this is lost on me.

I was just thinking the same thing. Even if it did it wouldn't be that funny.
Have you ever seen that episode of The Simpsons where Homer goes back to school, and when he arrives he yells "NERD!" at some kid while driving past? It reminds me of that.
In response to HavenMaster
Haven, funny you should mock the anime, as I do recall some time ago you had a key called, "DBHavenMaster", and in which I also remember reading a post on you making a DragonBall (just DragonBall, not Z/GT). So, what all of a sudden changed your mind and your key?
Hedgemistress wrote:
...that a screen writer has been hired to write the adaptation(s) of Dragonball Z for 20th Century Fox. This is the first real progress in getting such a movie made since Fox acquired the rights. Among other things, Keanu Reeves has not been hired to play Goku. :P

Note for Dragonball fanatics: having a writer on board doesn't translate to a movie in the can... Superman V, for instance, just lost their 11th or 12th director and tossed out their 54th script.


The source of this information is the Hollywood trade paper Variety, not a webpage post by an unnamed source who claims to have a job with Fox. Like I said when somebody linked to a two year old rumor page, when a studio is gearing up to actually make a movie, they don't keep it secret, they want everybody to know.

In response to Goku72
I would like to point out that I recall the letters "DB" as being his initials.
In response to Jotdaniel
That is my initials.
In response to Scoobert
OMG HE STEALZ0RED SC00B3RT'S 1N1T14L5!!1!!eleventyone!!1!!11

Hmmm, just exactly who are you reporting this to?

There are only two groups involved here, those of us who are DBZ fans, and those who are not...

Those who are not fans won't really care, and those that are fans probably already

As I've said many times already, news in the DBZ community travels extremely fast... Within an hour of that being posted, most of the sites we visit had already had it Everything from the big names, right down to all of the thousands of GeoCities and Angelfire DBZ fansites... Almost simultaneously, mo doubt...

I can almost guarantee that any DBZ fan in here already knew about this, and any of them that didn't should really reevaluate their

But I don't want to sound unappreciative... Thank you for bringing the news here (even if it seems like a ploy to open up a way to make fun of
In response to Goku72
It could seem ironic to the uneducated mind, Chuck. Let's go over a few things:

  • DB did indeed stand for the initials of my first and middle name: David Benjamin
  • If you can find a post from me saying anything of the sort you mentioned, I will be thoroughly impressed - usually only God can create things that don't exist. Perhaps you meant something to the effect of [link] which, had you bothered to read it, had nothing to do with Dragonball and myself, but was merely something I found amusing.

    Isn't it ironic?
In response to Skyxxlag
hahaha it'll be funny to see all those people with big spikey hair on there heads!! hahaah this movie will be hilarious!
You could see some like thin-ass actor going super saiyin and his hair turning blonde or or or!! looking at an actor with a tail!!

This movie should be placed in comedy section... hahah! Fox is dumb, just leave it alone how u gunna get keaunu reaves ripped?? ahahha!!
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
"News" does travel fast in the DBZ community... you want to sit here and count off all the prior "news" about developing DBZ movies that traveled fast through the community? :P

The main point of the post was in the way of a pre-emptive strike... since the news broke, I received three "told you so nyay nyah nyah" pages from people who thought this new news disproved my naysaying of previous rumors, and considering how rarely I'm on pager that's an amazing thing... so this post acknowledges the news is real, that I'm aware of it, and that it's a new development, not a confirmation of an old rumor that George Lucas is making it episode 7 or they're making Freddy vs Buu. When false rumors circulate, I naysayed them, so when real news breaks, I confirmed it. :P

The secondary point is to report it to those who don't know, or don't know to believe it, because contrary to your bluster, the DBZ community is not unique and in every community there's the well-informed and the uninformed. There's people who don't use the internet as an information source and people who honestly don't have a clue how to distinguish between a credible source and an incredible one. The same websites that seized upon this probably seized upon the older, more fanciful tidbits with equal fervor. So here's a skeptical, well-informed, DBZ-movie-hostile outsider saying, "Yes, it's true." :P You know it's not wishful thinking when I say that.
I'm actually looking forward to this movie, I really want to see how they plan on making real people look anime (Outside of computer animation like Final Fantasy Advent Children). I'm guessing the action will be something similar to the last fight in the disappointing final matrix movie, but I still would like to see how they do it. Heck, maybe they will use the "power rangers meets bruce lee" style that was used in the original dragonball movie that was made ever so long ago (I doubt very many people have seen it or knew it existed though).

Also, they state that the storyline will be something new, so with all of these elements I'm going to buy a ticket just to see how they do everything, I guess a measly $8 will cure my curiosity.

I didn't know they continued with the movie until this, last I knew they released a picture of their piccolo character, the wallpaper, then told everyone that it was going down the drain. But I'm not really a big DBZ fan anymore though, so I'm not included in SSGX's stereotype.

Well, thanks for the information.

In response to Worldweaver
You forget that the big hair is more of an animie thing. In a live action movie they will probably have spikey hair, but not big like DBZ. Also, you have some characters with hair that is down like Trunks, and some bald like Krillian(spelling?). Also, the tail is not so hard, have you ever seen Night Crawler on the X-men movie? He had a tail, and it worked pretty good. I think you are taking a direct translation of the cartoon to movie when it is not going to be.
In response to Worldweaver
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In response to Scoobert
You still will need bigger hair than usual, and in this movie the people aren't going to painted blue to look like monsters they are going to look like people with tails, and keeanu reeves doesn't look japanese which is what the whole cast should be so i hope they don't cast him.
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