I have been compiling a list of sites by BYONDers, it is based on three categories, BYOND-related (Made for BYOND or something to do with BYOND), BYOND+ (BYOND-related and maybe a personel site aswell.), and last, personel (Anything not having to do with BYOND.).
I would like you to share your website telling me what category it fits into, and the URL, thanks. =)
![]() Jun 28 2004, 3:36 am
Couple of BYOND related ones. As you can probably tell, they're Maz's sites, but I've helped a bit with them.
http://maz.byond.com http://maz.byond.com/Castle |
Definitely not BYOND-related, so stick it in the personal category... It's a DB/Z/GT fan site... It's actually run by two of us, myself and a guy named "Vile"... His section is the GT section, and mine is the DB section, and we work together on the DBZ/misc. sections... It hasn't been updated in quite some time by Vile, and not in even longer by me (most of my time recently has gone into BYOND development), but I think it's pretty decent... |
Non-BYOND related:
www.geocities.com/jutsu2002 It's kind of a fansite/personal site. |
Lol, well I just posted my new forum boards for general gaming which is located at http://s3.invisionfree.com/PCVideoGaming/index.php? .
Also I have my BYOND team site which can be found at http://www.llama-land.net/BGP . I still have yet to update that site for quite awhile now. I will be sure to get to that soon. |
http://babyrabies.tripod.com/index/index.html For my game, Dementophobia: http://members.tripod.com/dementophobiagame/index.htm I had one for FA but I deleted the links to it and took it off my favorites so I don't remember what it was. |
Made with something made with DMCGI, and maybe contains a few references to BYOND community stuff, but otherwise personal:
http://www.planetbyond.com/ site.dmb?browse&owner=Mertek&page=index |
This will be the BYOND related site when I have time to make it.
http://s95013793.onlinehome.us/byond/index.php |
Game on BYOND, Coming Soon, FPS for byond.
http://www.teamperplex.net |
And this will be a BYOND related site when I come up with something worth putting on it.
http://s95013793.onlinehome.us/foomer/ But don't link to it. Seriously. |
http://smithy.bluelander.net |
Hah I had to look at that website URL again after I clicked on the next forum post... I thought you said your website was www.tampaxmultipack.com :\
Dragon of Ice wrote:
Say it with me now, break!!! BR!!! You can doee! Why go through all the trouble when you can just "view source"? |