I have been compiling a list of sites by BYONDers, it is based on three categories, BYOND-related (Made for BYOND or something to do with BYOND), BYOND+ (BYOND-related and maybe a personel site aswell.), and last, personel (Anything not having to do with BYOND.).

I would like you to share your website telling me what category it fits into, and the URL, thanks. =)
Couple of BYOND related ones. As you can probably tell, they're Maz's sites, but I've helped a bit with them.

Definitely not BYOND-related, so stick it in the personal category... It's a DB/Z/GT fan site...

It's actually run by two of us, myself and a guy named "Vile"... His section is the GT section, and mine is the DB section, and we work together on the DBZ/misc. sections...

It hasn't been updated in quite some time by Vile, and not in even longer by me (most of my time recently has gone into BYOND development), but I think it's pretty decent...
Non-BYOND related:
It's kind of a fansite/personal site.
Lol, well I just posted my new forum boards for general gaming which is located at .

Also I have my BYOND team site which can be found at . I still have yet to update that site for quite awhile now. I will be sure to get to that soon.

For my game, Dementophobia:

I had one for FA but I deleted the links to it and took it off my favorites so I don't remember what it was.
Not BYOND related.

Made with something made with DMCGI, and maybe contains a few references to BYOND community stuff, but otherwise personal: site.dmb?browse&owner=Mertek&page=index
This will be the BYOND related site when I have time to make it.
In response to OneFishDown
Game on BYOND, Coming Soon, FPS for byond.
In response to OneFishDown
And this will be a BYOND related site when I come up with something worth putting on it.

But don't link to it. Seriously.
In response to Critical
Hah I had to look at that website URL again after I clicked on the next forum post... I thought you said your website was :\
In response to Foomer
Say it with me now, break!!! BR!!! You can doee!
In response to Dragon of Ice
Dragon of Ice wrote:
Say it with me now, break!!! BR!!! You can doee!

Why go through all the trouble when you can just "view source"?
In response to Foomer
why not just use
It seems as if no one likes my website and wants to join my new forums. *sigh*
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