I couldn't use arrow keys to move on web client. Can anyone confirm that this is true or not? And if it will be a thing
In response to DanteVFenris
The performance is just bad that it seems that way; the keys work but the signals are poor.
In response to FKI
Nope I've tried. All it does is move the page up and down.

All I need is a zoom option as my game is 200% zoom and being able to use keys
Map control should be able to handle it automatically.

As for custom controls, I had to resort to using preventDefault() (for events) through a keydown event when focused to keep it from scrolling.
Yes, I've already reported some of these problems to Lummox Jr. Clicking in statpanels didn't work for me, either.
Clicking in statpanels may be one of the mystery bugs I encountered on Friday and subsequently fixed; I think it appeared in the first stage of DSification.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Clicking in statpanels may be one of the mystery bugs I encountered on Friday and subsequently fixed; I think it appeared in the first stage of DSification.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have tested the beta yet. I will report back after testing it.

@Lummox Jr - Okay understood.
In response to AERProductions
AERProductions wrote:
Lummox JR wrote:
Clicking in statpanels may be one of the mystery bugs I encountered on Friday and subsequently fixed; I think it appeared in the first stage of DSification.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have tested the beta yet. I will report back after testing it.

The issue I found with statpanel object clicking won't be fixed until 508.1295, so I don't think you need to retest for a bit.
Here's another interesting idea for anyone interested to look into, though it isn't bound to work on some browsers yet (standard is still under progress): Text-to-Speech!

Pretty much, support is in the same league for the most part as Speech Recognition at the moment. What would be great about Text-to-Speech is provide not only a way to make webclient-based games interesting, but also provide accessibility to blind people.
Here is a nice idea to use, though requesting permission will be required. If you're developing any web-client based chat program through DM and you're aiming for Mozilla Firefox or Chrome support (doesn't work on Internet Explorer/Edge), why not provide notifications using the "Notifications API"?

I could develop a library for it, but didn't see any need for such.
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