![]() Jun 30 2015, 11:39 pm
In response to Dreadnaught Productions
It's old it's pretty sad and funny people still talk about rips or fanmade games in general. Gotta blame failure on something 😏
Well to me it looks like most of BYOND's members are borderline otaku. Clearly they're here for anime fan games not poorly developed original games created by new-born game developers barely getting their nut sack wet in programming.
Dreadnaught Productions wrote:
Well to me it looks like most of BYOND's members are borderline otaku. Clearly they're here for anime fan games not poorly developed original games created by new-born game developers barely getting their nut sack wet in programming. That's aspiring new-born game developers, thankyouverymuch. |
It's just hilarious to me how games can't be games. It's funny because most of the fanmade game players/developers will never acknowledge what's being said around these forums about em, and they're far more in numbers than the daily forum users.
It's just hilarious to me how you kids claim your games are so superior, yet instead of playing them or actually finishing your projects, you sit on the forums whining about discrimination. The fact is, if the trash your lot produced was worth as much as you claim it is, you'd be playing it, but obviously your "games" are so pitiful, arguing about stupid shit on the forums is even more entertaining. As you just admitted, you have 90% of the user base here for nothing but fan-games, so any fan-game developer on BYOND has no excuse to have games with no one playing them.
Which, I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to play those self-train AFK simulators either. I mean, it's kinda impossible to play a game anyway when it pretty much plays itself. Funny, the games made by newborn developers getting their nutsacks wet are more immersive and interactive than the almighty anime developers who are "saving" BYOND. Yut could whip up something in one afternoon that's more challenging than every Dragon Ball and Naruto game on this site combined, and what's truly depressing is that you're in denial about it. I know that your greatest aspiration in life is to create a fan-game and average no more than 250 players online at peak times in this tiny little corner of the internet, but realistically speaking, that's not really an achievement. The only games I hear about outside of BYOND are SS13, NEStalgia, and Severed World. I haven't seen a discussion about any of these dyslexic log training ninja games anywhere except for on this site, and even if they have been mentioned, it was probably because that person was making a remark about how horrendously designed they are. But by all means, continue to come to the forums and cry about how poorly the community treats you, because we definitely should lean over and kiss your ass and show our appreciation for you flooding up the front page for the last decade with your copy/paste source codes and ripped, pillow shaded bald men in diapers. I mean, where would we be without you guys, you know? Keep saving BYOND with your illegal donation buttons, broskis. |
What I find most amusing is that the way most of the community finds BYOND is through fangames yet you insist that "only NEStalgia, Severed World, and SS13" are the outlets for BYOND.
I think all of the fangame creators play their games. Or at the very least sit online listening to suggestions on improvement every now and again. Not like how most of these "original" game developers insist that they're right no matter what and never finish their game or they'll pull a Yut Put and ask for money... and then never finish a game. Or they'll pull a Yut Put and make GIADs over and over again and never fix their issues. Oh wow, I'm noticing a trend here. As you just admitted, you have 90% of the user base here for nothing but fan-games, so any fan-game developer on BYOND has no excuse to have games with no one playing them Actually they do have an excuse. The other games are better (other fangames, that is). What I find boggling is that people like you insist that games with their own IP are fundamentally better. But that's just... what? I've never sat down with a bad CoD game and said, "You know, if this were Assassin's Creed it'd be a better game". Because games aren't judged by their IP, they're judged by their gameplay. Oh, but you love to make fun of punching logs, don't you. Well as far as MMOs go (Flyff, Maplestory, Runescape) is it not commonplace to "grind" on a particular monster? Is it not an easy way to give the player access to more content? And then let's talk about why fangames suck but mandatory RP games like SS13 and Eternia get a free pass because "the players create the game so you can legitimately get a new experience every time". Personally I find games like that smack of laziness but I guess DnD showed that it can be successful at least once and then it can go out the window with 1 too many updates. I mean, personally I would prefer to punch logs to RP. At least when you punch logs you see your levelup meter rise. With RP you're just reading stuff. I didn't get on a video game, a notably INTERACTIVE MEDIUM to read endless logs of chat. |
AFK train wanst invented today it has been on for years, on facebook games/Mobile games, almost every browser game. Even the big mmo Ultima had alot of afk training. And since Byond is going towars webclient I expect to see alot more afk train games.
Lugia319 wrote:
What I find most amusing is that the way most of the community finds BYOND is through fangames yet you insist that "only NEStalgia, Severed World, and SS13" are the outlets for BYOND. People found because they were actively searching for online dragon ball games, not because everyone and their Mom was raving about the latest Zeta rip. I think all of the fangame creators play their games. Or at the very least sit online listening to suggestions on improvement every now and again. Yeah, I don't think fan-game developers listen. For 10 years now, we've been offering advice and they still upload the same nonsense without cease. Not like how most of these "original" game developers insist that they're right no matter what and never finish their game or they'll pull a Yut Put and ask for money... and then never finish a game. Yut creates games the way he does because he likes game design. The best way to get better at making games is to constantly make games. Or they'll pull a Yut Put and make GIADs over and over again and never fix their issues. Oh wow, I'm noticing a trend here. The games made in the contests on BYOND are still better than the anime games, even while being incomplete. Actually they do have an excuse. The other games are better (other fangames, that is). What I find boggling is that people like you insist that games with their own IP are fundamentally better. Lol. Ok, fair enough, some pbag games are better than other pbag games. I'll accept that. However, I have never stated that by making an original game, your game will automatically be fun. My argument has always been that by making an original game, you can avoid legal issues while profiting, be more creative, and be taken more seriously by other sites when you decide to promote yourself offsite. But everyone likes to pretend they're thug life and infringes anyway, avoids as much work as possible by using a world someone else created, and refuses to externally promote themselves because they know they're a laughing stock everywhere else on the internet. Oh, but you love to make fun of punching logs, don't you. Well as far as MMOs go (Flyff, Maplestory, Runescape) is it not commonplace to "grind" on a particular monster? Yes it is. Grind must, to some extent, exist at some point in games like these. The thing is, in the Dragon Ball games I played back in the day for example, self-train and punching bags were like, what you spent 90% of your time doing. It was virtually the only way to level up. At least in Runescape, when you're tired of hacking away at Goblins, you have the option of doing quests where you can go PvP in their CTF mode, dive into a dungeon and fight bosses or complete a difficult maze for a change of pace. In the anime games, it's literally just "self train until you're over 9000, then run around and one-shot everyone who has a lower power level than you". Let's not pretend Runescape is as horribly designed as that. Personally I find games like that smack of laziness but I guess DnD showed that it can be successful at least once and then it can go out the window with 1 too many updates. I mean, personally I would prefer to punch logs to RP. At least when you punch logs you see your levelup meter rise. With RP you're just reading stuff. I didn't get on a video game, a notably INTERACTIVE MEDIUM to read endless logs of chat. By that same logic, we could conclude that Minecraft is a bad game as well, correct? The players in Minecraft create their own experiences. There's no real objective in that game other than to not get killed by the monsters. Other than that, everything you do is your own decision. No one forces you to make a house, you can live in a tiny hole in the ground. No one forces you to mine for diamonds, you can simply walk around with wooden armor and swords. Whether this is your definition of "lazy" or not, it's pretty obvious which one is more fun. If Minecraft consisted of nothing but you standing in one spot self-training, I don't think Notch would be a millionaire right now. Creating a game where the player can dictate exactly how they want to have fun is not laziness, it's genius. |
Comparing Minecraft to SS13 is laughable. Here's the difference. In Minecraft you can create your own experience by yourself, the key aspect of gameplay isn't hampered by there being only 1 player. In Minecraft, you actually get to go around doing stuff and no one is going to kick you out of the game for "not following da rulez". There are no rules. Another advantage Minecraft has is that you can actually DO stuff. Wanna punch that tree? Go ahead. Wanna turn all the valves in SS13? You better have a bloody good reason to (which you will type into chat) and then if the committee vote to pass your action to the committee that decides which actions are good enough to go to Tribunal and only by being passed by the Tribunal in a 3-0 unanimous decision can your action go to supreme dictator who has the option to veto your action BUT on the off chance that they say yes, then and ONLY THEN can you turn the valves. It's absolutely retarded.
So Minecraft gets a pass because it's a sandbox game you can play with or without friends in which you can create your own world. Eternia, SS13, and other mandatory chat rooms do not pass because the pacing of a game is delayed when you have to read, react, and write. SS13 is genius because of its environmental control abilities, not because it's a good game. It's genius in the same way that Farm Simulator is genius. It gives you a sandbox. Unfortunately making a sandbox multiplayer is the worst idea ever because it leads to "with us or against us" mentality as well as griefing. Granted, the ability to control the pacing of a game is an interesting mechanic a player can have, but the more people you add to the process, the slower it gets. |
Well if it's any consolation I found BYOND through searching for an online mmo Naruto game. Clearly because I like anime and not trash like ss13 which is literally one of the most horrible games I've ever played.
And since Byond is going towars webclient I expect to see alot more afk train games. |
Almost EVERYONE finds BYOND through searches for fangames, so I don't know why people pretend to tout BYOND's "original games" as the source of its playerbase.
I made a DBZ Zeta rip some years back. it had consistent 20 players on (peaked at about 80) and they all AFK trained... it got annoying because I added in alot of original content outside of the DBZ universe. they almost always choose saiyan and just AFK train until they go SSJ6
no one ever picked the Orochi Race :( anyway, 90% of Byond's active gaming community plays SS13. unlike days of old where it was mostly split between Icon RP games and Anime games with SS13 having only about 100 or so players... |
That's a far stretch. Most anime games have lower quality; the majority ARE mandatory chat-rooms; they have tons of grieving and they're unbalanced. Yes, anime games are popular, but for the wrong reasons. Most people play them just because they're anime MMOs. I'm sure everyone remembers the 101 anime rips.
Anime games aren't hated. It's just a shame when popularity overshadows original content. Some original games might look retro, but they have mechanics. Game mechanics that work. SS13 has environmental control and unique roleplay elements. Eternia has solid action rpg combat. Sigrogana Legend, NEStalgia and Regressia have decent turn based combat. |
GoldenArk wrote:
That's a far stretch. Most anime games have lower quality; the majority ARE mandatory chat-rooms; they have tons of grieving and they're unbalanced. Yes, anime games are popular, but for the wrong reasons. Most people play them just because they're anime MMOs. I'm sure everyone remembers the 101 anime rips. agreed, one of te games I really miss is Deadly Waters by Justin Knight. think of SS13 but in a submarine instead... some of the best OOC conversations happened in that game ![]() |
GoldenArk wrote:
Anime games aren't hated. It's just a shame when popularity overshadows original content. Why? Why should original games have a "leg up" when it comes to exposure? I've always believed that gameplay speaks for itself and when your game isn't popular, don't look to the fangames and blame them. Blame your game for being bad. Even if anime games are bad or they're mandatory chat rooms, the fact remains that people play them because they enjoy them. If these games suck because they're mandatory chat rooms and they have AFK train and other poor gameplay mechanics, why are they still popular? You can't pin everything on IP. These people enjoy these games and you can't figure out why they prefer these "crappy games" to yours so you try to bring them down because you can't make a decent game. I mean, if these fangames are so horrible, it should be reasonably easy for any original game to beat them, right? |
Most fan-games are horrible, not all. The same can be said for original IPs. However, most original games beat fanime by a landslide. Fan games fall into two categories: unbalanced action-rpgs or text-based roleplay. They don't show byond's capabilities.
I'm looking at the front page right now and in terms of BYOND's Popularity system, fangames win. In terms of player activity, only SS13 is beating the fangames by a landslide. Meanwhile NEStalgia, RotP, Dungeon Master, etc., are all getting rekt by fanime. So I don't know where you claim "most" original games beat fanime.