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One thing that has always been a pain in the ass as a game developer using BYOND is memorizing RGB values so that I can type them in as code.

For example, if I wanted to use the RGB value of the orange in this icon as maptext in my game so that the colors are consistent in the interface:

I'd have to mouse over the color, read the RGB value, whisper it to myself a couple of times, and then type it in DM.

It would be much simper if I had this instead:

Typing in a valid value would also set that value as the color you're selecting. This is a pretty simple feature that would make life a little easier while developing games with the BYOND software.
I can't tell you how many times I've mumbled rgb values under my breath trying to remember them.

I run into this in other image editors too. Seems like this should be simple enough to add. I'll put it on the short list.

The short list has been getting longer, but hopefully this will make it in soon.
Honestly, these kind of little things are what the language really needs moreso than massive sweeping changes. This is one that's really a godsend. forum/?post=1872243&page=2#comment15565770

^IMO, it's small convenience functions that really are going to do the most for programmers. My stdlib thread contains a ton of convenience functions and ideas that have been included for completeness' sake as well as easing the barrier to entry for beginner programmers.

It also contains some practices I heavily recommend simply because they encourage clean, modular habits. When a language encourages bad habits or simply doesn't do simple things like string tokenization, whitespace strippping (floor()/ceil()/clamp() especially), etc, the developers often wind up spending most of their time simply morphing DM into something they find more convenient and easier to work with.