whats your favorite dbz carecter from the series? mine is trunks/gohan.
Wrong place to ask. Listen, alot of people on these forums don't like DBZ or Anime, so don't be suprised when you get flamed.

Goku forever.
In response to Tiko
if i get flamed i just dont read it its the same with hate e-mail theres that stupid comercal on about hate e-mail when if u dont want yuor feelings hurt then why do ppl read it?
Heh, I'll give you three guesses...

And if it actually takes you all three, you have my
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
All you Goku lovers =P

In response to Pack16
Cell is the best character in dbz.
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Heh, I'll give you three guesses...

D? B? Or is it Z?
In response to Mike H
All of the above.. =P
In response to Mike H
Chester (The name I gave to Dr. Brief's cat)

In response to NeoHaxor
I could have swore I read somewhere that the cat's name was Scratch...

Of course, that's probably only a fan-invented name...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
No Dr Brief did call him scratch.
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
"love" gohan aswell :)

not as much as goku tho!