Aug 16 2004, 8:03 am
Anyone got any ideas what the most played game on byond is?
In response to Chance777
Someone should make a DM web-bot that scans the games being played every few minutes and makes charts and graphs showing how popular games are.
In response to Hazman
that'd be Cool. And I think IdleRPG was the most popular game for a while on byond, even tho ppl were "Idle" it still averaged close or above 100 everday
In response to Pennywise99
Though, you could cut the population in there nearly by half because everyone double keyed. Anyhow, I think DWO holds the title for "most popular game ever". Anyone remember how many people it had tops?
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
Yes I do remember, it was up near 150, somewhere in the 140's. I have a screenshot of the area around Shrenwold that I took when it happened. As you can see, it was quite a traffic jam in and out of the city.
(edit)I removed the image. |
In response to Loduwijk
LOL! Wow...I laughed out loud on that one...
That's insane.... I imagine the chat channel was swarmed with "MOVE OMG NUB MOVE STUPID!" and messages of the likes. =D ~Kujila |
In response to SSJ2GohanDBGT
I would guess Dragonball Gekisen, aka old name Zeta2, For about a month and a half, there were 100+ players in at any one time...Closer to 2 months it was like that. Not to mention the top player max, I dont know what the max number were online at any one time, but Rumor is about the 150-170 range.
In response to FenrirXIII
The original Zeta got more than Gekisen at one point, though Gekisen stole most of Zeta's players afterwards so Gekisen had more while it was popular. Now Gekisen is dead.
In response to Kujila
Lol, I can see that too.
In response to FenrirXIII
My game held 100+ for quite the long time too, and the max was 130-140 but tha was a VERY short while. I'm not sure how long DWO had that many people, but I would imagine for quite a while.