Are there any free webservers that support MySQL so I can get a forum up and running?

If you have a perm internet connection, host your own, other than that I dont know of any.

If you do find one, tell me bout it please
I've been looking through here for the same thing myself, but a lot of them seem to want to make sure you make a good site (which won't work out for me because I just want to test things out =) ). Maybe you can find one you like.
DreadPearl wrote:
Are there any free webservers that support MySQL so I can get a forum up and running?


A while back I spent about 8 hours searching the web and finally found 1 website that fit my needs. Which I now use to host my webpage.

Hope that helps.
In response to Green Lime
That looks great, do you happen to know off-hand if they allow hotlinking?