![]() Sep 8 2004, 4:37 pm
not a single good game has been relieased on byond for months, im getting bored of this place...
Well, most of the developers putting out good games have gone pretty much byebye, so they either don't work on games anymore or hardly ever do.
Play what was released years ago that you haven't played before. |
I know what you mean, the good games that are left are tired out from playing them too much and the ones I used to enjoy to play every once in a while (like FFL) are gone. Been bored enough a few times to start a new RPG-type project, but never get the inspiration to start.
Well, most of the developers putting out good games have gone pretty much byebye, so they either don't work on games anymore or hardly ever do. Well the thing is most good developers tend to be older and have less time to spend actually developing stuff. That combined with the fact that a good well developed games take a good amount of time to finish. Anyway hopefully my game I'm currently working on will be at an alpha stage before the end of the year. Of course whether or not you like the idea and think it is good is an entirely different matter :). |
The same goes here. I am going to have approximately 0 time for working on games, here in a month.
My social life has gone byebye to welcome in my *suppresses intense rage from the outburst he just had*... school. I also have to work in order to pay for my car. |
Pffft, all my games suck. Every time I try to make something that I think will be really fun, I fail. *cough* Crimson Skies II *cough*
lol, seika is a piece of crap. They made it WAY to complicated and they had a P-Wipe like every 2 days.
P-wipe sounds like something you'd do after using the bathroom if... well... I'll not get into that.
It was crap for a hulluva lot more reasons than that. I welcome new Fan Games of good games more than I welcome stereotypical-RPG-foo :P
So play some older games! I re-discovered Una recently; the UNA GODS mode in particular is very fun with a bunch of friends.
I have a couple of games on the production line at the moment; a singleplayer arcade game for Xooxer's contest, and a ground-up rewrite of Thieves. I'll have two weeks of holidays soon, so they should both see some progress then. |
I've been working on a newer version of A Game of Kings but bloody hell it takes forever to finish the darn thing.
I think the hardest thing about byond is the system itself is just hard to make play like you picture in your mind, which is why large projects don't seem to work out so well and the smaller ones do. At the moment the game is coming along great with some mild bumps here and there, I'm aiming to release it christmas season. |
Not only does everything suck, everything sucks in MULTIPLE WAYS. You're obviously familiar with gravity, but do you realize that there's also a "weak" attraction which takes place on an incredibly small scale, which holds nuclei together until they are so big that the magnetic repulsion between the protons causes them to fly off, creating radiation?
Just sit tight for a bit, I'm creating a massive halo game,
with a gr8 storyline and crap, lots of levels, and multiplayer head to head (Aplpha stage) |
My personal problem making my latest game get delayed so it wont come out for quite a while still, is the fact that I've been making the graphics so beautiful (To an extent, there is so many different views and ways of looking at the graphics I couldn't satisfy it exactly.), that I haven't had time to make the actual gameplay yet.
Graphics are uaually fun to do though, just when you've made as many as me without making any gameplay, it gets annoying. For the past few times I've worked on it, however, I've focused all of my attention on the ideas. I have a bitmap file in which I am mapping it out (It is very large, AND random generation has to be taken into account), and a notepad file in which me and Stealth 2k (a little bit) have been working on. I hope to release Playing with Roses around christmas time. Though school has been an ass to me and I will have a job soon, so it might be postponed until later. I should have every sunday to work on it providing my weekend homework only takes 1 day to finish and I don't get lazy (Which is inevitably going to happen for a lot of the weekend because I'm so unbelievable stressed.). |
Then make a good game! :)