![]() Oct 9 2004, 4:03 pm
People really do suck, there's no way around it. Today I was walking in my town, trying to have a good time. Some genius, seventy some years ago, decided to start a three-day festival in my town. I'm cool with it - it is occasionally fun. I'm walking down mainstreet and notice that there are half a million people in my town which is zoned for three thousand. As you can imagine, there is no room to walk, so I'm stuck going roughly the speed of Kerry's approval ratings. I put up with it all, however, knowing that there has to be SOME fun left to be had. I decide to volunteer at a non-profit organization's (whom I support) food booth when it wasn't even my shift. I help out for a while and am asked to wheel a wagon down to our supply warehouse to exchange them. As I step out to do public service in my town a lady from behind me, gawking at my town yells out, "Sorry, it's not like I was trying to get through here!" Obviously, I had had enough today. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm working at a NON PROFIT booth when it's not even MY SHIFT and you're in MY TOWN walking on MY STREETS eating MY FOOD, so don't give me your crap!" She, and her small children, abruptly left. This has been a public service rant.
![]() Oct 9 2004, 4:07 pm
Whoooo! Way to go, HavenMaster.
HavenMaster wrote:
People really do suck, there's no way around it. Today I was walking in my town, trying to have a good time. Some genius, seventy some years ago, decided to start a three-day festival in my town. I'm cool with it - it is occasionally fun. I'm walking down mainstreet and notice that there are half a million people in my town which is zoned for three thousand. As you can imagine, there is no room to walk, so I'm stuck going roughly the speed of Kerry's approval ratings. I put up with it all, however, knowing that there has to be SOME fun left to be had. I decide to volunteer at a non-profit organization's (whom I support) food booth when it wasn't even my shift. I help out for a while and am asked to wheel a wagon down to our supply warehouse to exchange them. As I step out to do public service in my town a lady from behind me, gawking at my town yells out, "Sorry, it's not like I was trying to get through here!" Obviously, I had had enough today. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm working at a NON PROFIT booth when it's not even MY SHIFT and you're in MY TOWN walking on MY STREETS eating MY FOOD, so don't give me your crap!" She, and her small children, abruptly left. This has been a public service rant. Write poetry to express your anger instead of ranting like a Scousin. >.> |
Fine. Here's a small stanza I wrote:
Humankind Progressing no more The shame of the planet Souless demons Shunned by God Defiant, useless What is their purpose? |
Whoever made that flash is an idiot....
There is one part where the window is shining bright white, and white text goes over it, obviously saying something, but, you cannot see it, hence the brightness of the light coming through the window is BLOCKING IT! |
There is once again more proof that anyone can pick up a microphone and be called a punk rock singer. No wonder I dispise the genre so much.
I know it wasn't... I categorize all punk rock as the rock that sounds light, because that is usually what it is. I know stuff like System of a down is punk rock, but I call it hard rock because of the way it sounds.
Well, I live in the small northeastern town of Warrensburg New York, and a week ago we had our famous "Worlds Largest Garage Sale", which involves practically everybody holding a garage sale and way too many vendors packed in this town (which has a population of 3000 or so). During this annual occasion there are at least a 20 times the population packed in our "downtown" area, which consists primarily of tourists, who I am convinced all have something shoved up their... well you get the idea.
I wonder where you live, this event happens every year and it's nearly impossible to get in or out of this town in that three day period, not to mention how hard it is to get through the crowds, especially when you work in town. Thank god tourist season is over for us this year. |
I get tourists coming in the fall by the bus loads, some even from Canada (I live in Pennsylvania). And you know why? Just to see the leaves change colours -_-'
If it's any consolation, a few months ago we had a case that made me sick. A man with severe disabilities used a bike to get to his job because he was unable to operate a car. It was a menial job, but it was all he had. So one day he comes out and someone had stolen his bike. Some sick bastard stole his bike and didn't even return it after this was put all over the news. Fortunately, money was donated and he got a replacement.
Here's the kicker: last week a restaraunt owner sees the stolen bike, seizes it and calls the police. The guy is so happy to hear about his bike, he almost has a heart attack. Literally. He is still hospitalized. The thief has yet to be caught. But, as an attorney, I know this is the tip of the iceberg. I won't even begin with some of the sick sexual crimes that have been commited. They make me want to cry at the inhumanity humans show to the helpless. |
Not all humans are terrible people, some of them are very kind. I try to do my best and help my community when I can.
People need to spend more time looking at the good, instead of the bad. Which is hard to do. |
Do you want to know what I think is ridiculous? On the show Cops they sometimes have this thing where they setup a car in a bad area, unlocked. This is no ordinary car. Once you enter the car, and start it up, the engine goes out after 10 seconds and the inside locks. Well, they showed two clips of these.
In one clip, a person enters the car, drives it, and the engine goes out. Then the inside locks and he goes "Damn, damn, damn, damn" non-stop. The cops rip open the door and arrest him. The guy says "It was not me!" Even though they found him in there, alone. Another clip was practically the same as this one, except the guy gets scared, so he wraps his bandana around his hand and punches the window, breaking it. Of course, the cops arrest him. What I am trying to get at is, this is not right. Why the hell would you setup an unlocked car in a bad area, knowing you will bust somebody? Of course someone is going to steal it, no doubt. But this is just asking for it. This is literally asking someone to take a thousand dollars, for free. Of course he will take it. Why the hell would you set someone up, then arrest them? Now he has to spend years in jail because of something the cops setup. They are supposed to protect people, meanwhile, they set someone up so they can arrest them. Somebody can get hurt doing this, it is ridiculous. |