I'm currently working on a mid-length novel titled 'Adrutul,' and I've decided to post a bit of my work for compliment and critism. Actually, I'm just looking for publicity. It would be nice to have a publisher find me, rather than the other way around. Please read and comment on and try some other nifty tricks (such as applause) to help boost my rating. I don't intend to post the entire book here (that would be quite pointless), so if you want to read the book you should help get it in to print. :-)
Very nicely written havenmaster. Somewhat odd, in setting anyway, but it looks to have a lot of potential.
Sweet! I like it.

Definitely keep writing. I hope to see your name on the bookstore shelves some day. =)
In response to Crispy
Thanks for the compliment. If any of you know anyone high up in a publishing firm, it wouldn't hurt to let that person know. :-P
Doesn't really work that way... a publisher finding you, I mean. I've got a few "offers" from my work but they're all publish-on-demand at best and vanity publishers at worse.

I would suggest you check out Piers Anthony's website, ... he has an EXTENSIVE list of publication resources, including some web-based self publishers which do not require a start up cost or a risk to the author (although by the same token, you won't make any money unless people buy the book, which means you have to promote, promote, promote!)

Also, if you want publicity for your current site, check out my site at ... there's a bunch of reciprocal link programs and links to story directories on the front page. Get your story listed and you'll get more traffic.
In response to Hedgemistress
I took a look at a self publisher service and was aghast at the prices:

$700 for JUST the printing of your book, because it's a PRIVILEGE to let them take an ungodly ammount of royalties.

$75 for a domain name without hosting, because people are gullible.

$150 for a $30 copyright.

Needless to say, I won't even consider that at this point.

I'm not naive to think that a publisher would find me, but if someone who really liked my story knew a publisher, it wouldn't suck. If you'd be willing to link to the story from StarHarborNights, I'd really appreciate it. Traffic rocks my socks off.
In response to HavenMaster
You'd do yourself a favor to take a look at the list at $700 is definitely more in the category of vanity publishing than self publishing (vanity publishers never advertise themselves as such)... you'll find there's much, much better deals out there... including print-on-demand ones which often have no set up costs (for instance, Cafe Press, although with them you have to do your own "typesetting" by converting your book to pdf format) and ones that have less of a set up fee (one of the best ones merely requires you to buy 10 copies of your book at the cost before mark up, because that's their break-even point)... and then there's the E-Publishing ones which generally DON'T have a set up cost at all.

One of the best things about Piers Anthony's list is, as a professional author, he's able to lend an experienced and critical eye in breaking down the deals being offered... he knows what does and doesn't constitute an ungodly amount of royalties (most self-publishers actually take very little, it's the fact that you basically have to sell your own book that stops people from getting rich), what deals sound too good to be true, etc.... and he collects feedback from writers who have used the different services.

I'll add a link to the story when my All New (TM) website is unveiled later this month... I do a lot of reading online, so I'm working on an idea for a "featured writer" program... it'll probably mean more when I have more than a couple dozen regular readers, but I've got a big push planned starting shortly and lasting through the end of November that should help there.

Also, if you think you'd have a presentable manuscript by March of next year, Wizards of the Coast is looking to play fairy godpublisher for some lucky Cinderella. If I thought I had a novel in me right now, I'd take a shot.