it takes up the whole page....
The gay marriage one was longer, and Mike H said that he didn't close it because we said it was gonna happen, he said it was because it was almost like a real chat, which could of been easily done in Chatters.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
The gay marriage one was longer, and Mike H said that he didn't close it because we said it was gonna happen, he said it was because it was almost like a real chat, which could of been easily done in Chatters.

Correct. Topics don't get closed because they're long and take up a whole page. Anyone's free to change your default view to Topic or Message view. I like Message view, myself.

As long as the thread stays civil and people continue to contribute to the discussion, it can stay open.
In response to Mike H
Mike H wrote:
Anyone's free to change your default view to Topic or Message view. I like Message view, myself.

Or you could set the amount of messages per page to 100. Just go to Preferences up the top between Index and Help.
It doesn't completely get rid of monster threads like Topic View, but it makes it so that a thread has to be pretty big before taking a whole page.