It should come to no surprise that the responses to the questions were abysmal at best, but at least it answers the age-old question: "Is 'BYOND' a game genre?" to which Zasif responds with a resounding: "This is not a MMO; this is a byond game"[sic]
It started out innocently enough, him admitting that he doesn't even play the game he's made. Showcasing a complete disconnection from his player base, unable to actually see the issues with the game, but that's not even where it gets bad.
The funniest part was this short excerpt:
Kats: Why did you keep the afk training? You didn't see any better options?
Zasif: I like the afk training
Kats: You like it?
Zasif: its why I've plaayed the zeta years ago
Zasif: its a key feature of the base game
Zasif: building the game around it
Kats: You don't think it undermines the natural progression of a player?
Zasif: Not at all
He also refused to comment on the donate button and what he thought about it, but that's getting off into legal matters that just aren't as funny.
Zasif is a rather toxic developer within the community, but he's grown on us like a fungus, becoming a source of humor for years to come. Besides, a little bit of press isn't a bad thing... unless it's bad... really, really bad. Almost Dragon-Ki bad, but that's a story for later.
You can find the full transcript for the "interview" here. Might do this for other games, just to see what the creators of the abominations actually think about it. Should be fun.~
This is a non-serious topic meant to be slightly facetious regarding a poor game. No butthurt necessary.