So, I was playing around on Dragon-Ki by Zasif, having a bit of fun when I managed to raise him for an interview.

It should come to no surprise that the responses to the questions were abysmal at best, but at least it answers the age-old question: "Is 'BYOND' a game genre?" to which Zasif responds with a resounding: "This is not a MMO; this is a byond game"[sic]

It started out innocently enough, him admitting that he doesn't even play the game he's made. Showcasing a complete disconnection from his player base, unable to actually see the issues with the game, but that's not even where it gets bad.

The funniest part was this short excerpt:

Kats: Why did you keep the afk training? You didn't see any better options?

Zasif: I like the afk training

Kats: You like it?

Zasif: its why I've plaayed the zeta years ago
Zasif: its a key feature of the base game
Zasif: building the game around it

Kats: You don't think it undermines the natural progression of a player?

Zasif: Not at all

He also refused to comment on the donate button and what he thought about it, but that's getting off into legal matters that just aren't as funny.

Zasif is a rather toxic developer within the community, but he's grown on us like a fungus, becoming a source of humor for years to come. Besides, a little bit of press isn't a bad thing... unless it's bad... really, really bad. Almost Dragon-Ki bad, but that's a story for later.

You can find the full transcript for the "interview" here. Might do this for other games, just to see what the creators of the abominations actually think about it. Should be fun.~

This is a non-serious topic meant to be slightly facetious regarding a poor game. No butthurt necessary.
DragonVerse Online next :D
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
DragonVerse Online next :D

He going let his game do afk training.
Next thing you know he popular.
In response to DarkNinjaNaut
You guessed it! 1+e06 stats in 3 seconds of pressing "Self-Train".
All I have is lol's for this thread.
In response to HaxRp
HaxRp wrote:
All I have is lol's for this thread.

Much appreciated, that was the intention.
I'd just like to remind everyone that EVE Online has a similar feature that its creators also quote as a "key feature of the base game".

EVE online is a wildly successful game btw.

Just because YOU don't like AFK training, it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.
In response to Lugia319
Lugia319 wrote:
I'd just like to remind everyone that EVE Online has a similar feature that its creators also quote as a "key feature of the base game".

EVE online is a wildly successful game btw.

Just because YOU don't like AFK training, it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.

Alright, EVE online's progression system is passive while most DBZ games are active progression. This means that you actually have to be doing something do train your character. In EVE, you queue your skills to train and they train, whether or not you're online, but even if you're on, you don't have to sit at the station, holding your dick, waiting a month for Battleship V. You can still adventure and go out and make money and have a ball of a time.

That is why EVE is successful, because its progression isn't its central game mechanic. So, talk out of your ass a little more, Ms. Menstrual.
In response to Kats
You're completely missing the point of AFK training. It's not there to be a primary means of leveling and Zasif even said so in the interview. But it's there if people choose to use it and return to the "chatroom" aspect. Heck, all you have to do is add the offline bit to AFK training and you practically have EVE.

That said, you don't have to sit idly by in Dragon-Ki either. You could, as you said, "adventure and go out and make money and have a ball of a time".

Progression isn't EVE's central game mechanic? What? Are we playing the same EVE? Why would you progress your character if you weren't rewarded for it?
In response to Lugia319
Lugia319 wrote:
You're completely missing the point of AFK training.

You're right. I must be missing something because to me, it looks an awful lot like laziness.
Kats totally wrote:
Alright, EVE online's progression system is passive while most DBZ games are active progression. This means that you actually have to be doing something do train your character. In EVE, you queue your skills to train and they train, whether or not you're online, but even if you're on, you don't have to sit at the station, holding your dick, waiting a month for Battleship V. You can still adventure and go out and make money and have a ball of a time.

Yep, back in the long long ago I had a Naruto game that did this. There were passive training to skills and techniques and you could continue playing the game while they trained in the background. Not only that, but using the skills in missions and combat also netted experience. I got a lot of praise for it because they were tired of the whole "AFK training or you don't progress" setup of most other fangames on BYOND.

Of course, I didn't deserve the praise since I pretty much based it around EVE in the first place =P

Ah, to be young...

I would definitely like to see something like this more often, kind of like a while series where you go one-by-one to popular fan games and try to find a single owner who isn't full of it... like looking for buried treasure through raw sewage!
In response to Ganite
Ganite wrote:
You guessed it! 1+e06 stats in 3 seconds of pressing "Self-Train".

No one uses +e06 format anymore, we use commas now 10,000,000 looks more OP.
In response to Zasif
Zasif wrote:
Ganite wrote:
You guessed it! 1+e06 stats in 3 seconds of pressing "Self-Train".

No one uses +e06 format anymore, we use commas now 10,000,000 looks more OP.

That's groundbreaking stuff. Sounds like this is the next game that's going to make it big! In no time, you'll be rolling in nickels, dimes, and maybe even a quarter or two!
In response to Zasif
Zasif wrote:
No one uses +e06 format anymore

But... I like scientific notation...
The donation buttons/'subscription' options for these fans games is my biggest pet peeve on BYOND. I have, unfortunately, seen original source codes based on fan games with donation buttons. However, the vast majority of the games including this seem to even be rips.
Anyone who tries to defend AFK/pbag training is either a lazy gamer or a lazy developer. /2cents
In response to NNAAAAHH
It's funny how the only games where you constantly have a donate button shoved in your face are games where it's illegal to do so. Lol.
In response to Bravo1
Bravo1 wrote:
Yep, back in the long long ago I had a Naruto game that did this. There were passive training to skills and techniques and you could continue playing the game while they trained in the background. Not only that, but using the skills in missions and combat also netted experience.

I actually saw a mock up a few years ago on the forums with a time-based experience system where you could gain XP multipliers by doing quests and whatnot, making you passively level skills faster, which I thought was amazing.
There's nothing wrong with training on a punching bag.

Floyd MONEYTEAM Mayweather does it all the time, and he's undefeated Kappa
Gonna need to C&D this.
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