This Friday was my last full contact football game. I am glad that its over but then again I am very sad. I went 5-12 in my career at my school. (I missed the first 8 games of freshman becuase I transferred from another school, I missed all sophmore year becuase I had an appendectomy gone wrong, and I missed 5 games of junior year becuase I failed honors physics with a 68)I never cuaght a pass, I never scored a TD, I never gained a yard. I was always on special teams and defense. I wouldn't give it up for the world though. I had so much fun and I learned so much that it will always be with me. I am glad I got to experience this.

So I leave you here with this, a pic of me after my final game with my bro ( a freshman who was helping out at the game, he played the previous night) and all of the cheerleaders (yes, all 4 of them) PB050019.JPG?msHOKkBBa9sHyKC9
You got owned.