Any of the Programmers/Coders (Your pick) here live in the UK? or anywhere else that isn't "'Merica".

We prefer 'Murican, thankyouverymuchchap.
anyone know a certain lad named "Chance" ? or got a link to his profile
Some do live in the UK, yup, as you might expect. And a small raft in Brazil, and Canada, and littered about Europe and the such like.

Generally non-US traffic used to be ~30% of all traffic to
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
Some do live in the UK, yup, as you might expect. And a small raft in Brazil, and Canada, and littered about Europe and the such like.

Generally non-US traffic used to be ~30% of all traffic to

:O are you a saints or a pompey supporter?
Not really a football person full-stop, I'm afraid.
In response to Stephen001
That's illegal in the UK, that, and calling it soccer.

You, sir, are required to turn yourself in to the proper authorities immediately.
There are dozens of us ... DOZENS! *pulled away by the authorities*
welp, that went well. xD
I like that some people are now calling American Football 'Handegg'.
In response to Flick
I find that common among the Americans that kind of shy towards European systems. Almost like Americans that wish they were European?

Personally I do it because I dislike having one word for two different sports
In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
I like that some people are now calling American Football 'Handegg'.

Handegg sounds castrated. If someone wants to do American Football a favor then they can start by not calling it Handegg.
Football sucks anyway. Just a bunch of overweight herp de derps wrestling each other to the ground and tossing a ball. Why don't they just quit and join a sport that requires some real skill?

Off topic much?
In response to Zete
Zete wrote:
Off topic much?

Don't worry, as long as you don't say anything bad about BYOND then Off-Topic threads won't get locked.
In response to Zecronious
Not true but that felt like a witch hunt to me at the start so I dunno.

That said, the post was fairly open ended to begin with, only concerning itself with locations of programmers not in the U.S.