In response to YMIHere
In Halo 2 you drive every vehicle once and for a very short amount of time. In the first one, you drive them tons of times and for a decent amount of time. The only thing Halo 2 focused on was the graphics, that is all they every talked about. I was so damn disappointed.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
In Halo 2 you drive every vehicle once and for a very short amount of time. In the first one, you drive them tons of times and for a decent amount of time. The only thing Halo 2 focused on was the graphics, that is all they every talked about. I was so damn disappointed.

I drove the Spectre once (and it certainly wasn't a very short ammount of time), everything else was in multiple times. Usually, you didn't get to drive them for too long, but that was the same in Halo:CE. The level Halo in Halo:CE let you drive a warthog for practically the whole level, but other than that it was the same. As a matter of fact, the level Metropolis in Halo 2 is just like it. You drive through most of it, but you have a lot more vehicles at your disposal. Maybe your marines were driving off with your vehicles, they've done it to me before.

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