![]() Nov 13 2004, 4:20 pm
Has anyone attempted to or have done a mod for an X-box controller like transfering the inner parts into a new thing like removing the guts of a Gamecube controller and putting in X-box S-controller components, etc.? I've checked on yahoo but nothing much.
I've heard of Keyboards being adapted to work with the XBox, as well as mouses (mice?) Never heard of GC mods... Though, I have seen a commercial controller adapter that allows you to use a PS2 Controller in the XBox. It's really cool, actually. The config is a lot like the "Hunter S" controllers.
R1 and L1 = Black & white R2 and L2 = R & L Left Analog = Left Stick Right Analog = Right Stick L3 = Left Click R3 = Right Click Select = Back Start = Start Cross = A Circle = B Triangle = Y Square = X D-Pad = D-Pad Also, with the Hunter S, the Analogs are on the bottom, not staggered like the XBox Controller S has them. Only problem is that after a while with the Hunters, you have to get in them and resolder some stuff. Wires come loose, rumble stops working, analogs become too sensitive... |
How dare you compare a PS2 controller to a XBox controller! PS2 forevea!
Your Favorite XBox Hater, - Tikey |
If you'd actually read my post, I mentioned that the XBox has a controller adapter that allows you to use a PS2 controller on the XBox.
Don't turn this into a console fanboy war. I like all the consoles. The games for each console have their own merit, and each has it's own allure. Even if you cite hardware statistics, it still doesn't make a great console, as in the end, a console is defined by the games that have been made for it, thus it is pointless to argue which console is better overall. Hell, even sales don't mark the best console, so don't bother. This isn't a "The PS2 blows! lolgz! OMFG STFU" thread, and I'd like to see one thread that mentions any of the three consoles go without a big flame war about all three of them. |
Yeah, I have one and I don't know what I'd do without it... Works perfectly, and it's the only way I can even suvive in Halo :D
I like the staggered analogs for halo, but the black/white buttons are hard to manage at times. Though, I don't use frags until my plasmas run out usually.
I don't die that often either, so I never have to turn my flashlight off. It's embarassing when someone can sneak past you while cloaked, steal your flag, then get behind you and kill you with it, throw the flag, then crouch over and over again on your corpse... Needless to say, I'm damn lethal in Halo... It's loads of fun... If only they'd have thought to implement AI for multiplayer games. My tiny apartment doesn't deal with 16 people and 4 TVs and XBoxes very well without a lot of screen looking and noise complaints. =/ |
I like the X-Box controller with Halo, it's great. The controls were done superbly and make it extremely easy to use. I like running through the missions on legendary difficulty and getting maximum use out of it, that is great.
I would not change an X-Box controller into anything else with the possible exception of a PC joystick. (edit) Oh, or a trackball. Those things are great, even better than joysticks. |
They've done something with PS2 and Gamecube controllers...I believe it's PS2 controllers on Gamecube. An (un)official plug can use...but to be honest, that's defeating the aim.
Gamecube controllers are superior (and to avoid flaming, let's add "for gamecube games" here). I know it's a little offtopic, but not much. |
Kholintian Destroying Army wrote:
Gamecube controllers are superior (and to avoid flaming, let's add "for gamecube games" here). How is that so, when basicly every PC controller is modeled off the design of the PSX controller..? |
Shun Di wrote:
Kholintian Destroying Army wrote: The Gamecube controller is the best controller out there, it's perfect, it lasts long, each button is in the right place to become instantly absorbed into your subconscious. I wake up with my hands in the gamecube-controller position, and I see myself casually hammering invisible buttons... |
This tutorial is on led modding for controllers. xboxscontrollerled.htm
Change your controller to a southpaw style of controller.
You can use your xbox controller on pc, i'd rather get one online from somewhere. Its a lot easier than soldering. xbox_controller_to_pc_usb.htm
This one is even better you can use your xbox controller on the xbox and the pc. creating_a_dual_usb_adapter.htm