Do you want the Nintendo DS or the Playstation Portable? Or would you rather get the N-Gage QD? Pick the one you want and give some reasons. No arguments though, we don't want any fights.
Personally I want the DS because I'm a Nintendo Fanboy. PLus the two screens and stuff are cool.
![]() Nov 14 2004, 6:45 pm
![]() Nov 14 2004, 6:58 pm
So far there are more games that I want on the PSP, but all this battery life stuff is one problem with the PSP. I don't want to only be able to play for 2 hours.
PSP - 2 hours play?
Oh dear. Anyway, the general stragedy for PSP is to recreate the most popular console games, on your handheld. The question is this: Would you pay 60 dollars (I'm English, so the average console game costs 40 quid over here) for a console game, ported to handheld- when it's slightly inferior, no analogue control, and less powerful? Would you pay the same price for the console version of the game? Most playstation owners aren't what are sometimes called "Hardcore gamers" - they are casual gamers, they go with the flow, and with the times. This is PSP's audience- the 18-30 age group, who go for cool, sexy things. They'll definately not see a handheld game as good as the console one, and furthermore probably won't go spending their cash on the PSP version of the game, if they already have the old version. What does this mean for the PSP developers? Not only has it cost them LOTS of money to do a proper port to the PSP, but they'll get small returns. This means they will have to cut down in other ways, to avoid losing money. -New content costs lots of money. The Developers can simply port old games across from the PS2 to PSP, without having to make new games. This is because they simply can't afford it! The PSP audience really doesn't want to spend too much money on games they see as inferior. The low battery life comes from the PSP reading CDs. This was a bad move. Sure, it let's them get home-console-like graphics and games, but DAMN is it hard on the PSP's batteries. Would you want to be recharging every 2 hours? According to the power-drain on the PSP, from CD motor, to expensive screens, this will be the case. Sony even said in a release statement that they didn't think gamers would take the PSP out of the house. Bad move...- the PS2/3 is for the house! The DS is likely to win. From a 8-12 hour battery lifespan (I don't know the exact amount), changing with use of wireless internet connection, and linking without cables for about up to 100 metres, the amazingly brilliant touch screen... The DS is being sold at around 100 quid, whereas the PSP will be out at around 200 quid. Do the Maths, Americans! *EDIT* Another point is the game makers themselves. Nintendo has beaten off all attempts at the handheld market before- Nintendo INVENTED the gameboy. They KNOW how to make handheld games. Advance wars anyone? The 2D Zeldas? MARIO? Metroid? Fire Emblem? *the list goes on*. Sony, and it's co-workers really don't know how to make a handheld work. If they are trying to import home console games to handheld, then something is wrong. It isn't going to work. Handheld games are a different genre, they are played differently, at different times. A bit of Timesplitters on the bus while also making sure you don't miss your stop? Some MGS on the toilet? Maybe not. Nintendo have the ingenuity and brilliance, innovation to make new titles even after over 20+ years of making games. Sony is new to the market. Who is going to win, the hardened war veteren, still going strong, or the new, green soldier, ambitious but inexperienced? If you want to see a *video* of a working DS, go to and find the demo of the DS in action. It's pretty impressive, even if it is using cartridges (nice on the battery life!), it can still achieve far better than N64 graphics. Far better, infacy. I'm looking forward to the Doctor-nurse game involving using the stylus to find out what the patient's problem is by touching them. Then I want to play the surgery game involving a stylus as a knife! ...mmmmm... I would go on, but it's 5:30 AM and I've got to do schoolwork for today. Hah, this "N-GAGE"? Get over it, phones REALLY CAN'T hold up to the DS and PSP's power. DS and PSP both will utterly beat the N-Gage, being both far more powerful than an N64. Phones and game consoles were thought to be able to mix around 2/3 years ago. No, it's not possible. The giants will reign. |
Why pick one or two when you can get them all? Muahahahaha. N-Gage sounds cool where you can play wirelessly online and stuff, but odds are where I live I will be the only person with one and I wont be able to play online. But the DS has online too and I know tons of people will have it..I can see it now..Competing in tournaments during math class with all my friends! :-D
If I had to choose one it would be the DS since its revolutionary or something. Or maybe because I've had every single nintendo console/handhold and don't want to stop now. :P
Dession wrote:
Question: Can regular PSX and PS2 games be played on the PSP? No, I don't think it can- due to the CDs being different sizes. But that would be silly, anyway- why would they let you play their old games for free when *their old games are their only source of income*? |
Repiv wrote:
So far there are more games that I want on the PSP, but all this battery life stuff is one problem with the PSP. I don't want to only be able to play for 2 hours. You want the games because you've already played them on your PS2! |
Dession wrote:
I thought it was the same disc size, but yeah its not. I hear (playground gossip, no?) that they're using some new kind of blue ray technology to fit those tiny PSP discs with lots of (bad) game data... (But Gamecube had the dinky discs first! I even got a hardcore popular-crowd bunch of girls interested in the little GC discs. *in there*. *sigh*...) |
The PSP won't be using Blu-Ray, just dual layered DVD's... The ps3 however will use Sony's blu-ray tech.
Shun Di wrote:
The PSP won't be using Blu-Ray, just dual layered DVD's... The ps3 however will use Sony's blu-ray tech. Thanks for clearing that up! Silly playground talk, eh? |
I want neither, i don't see the point in wasting 100-300 dollars on a "Popularity race" just to have one of these. There is no point in running out to the store before everyone else, pull 299 out of your wallet, hand it to some geek on the other side of the counter, and go home with a piece of equipment not really anything but a sugar coated Gameboy.
ALl handheld consoles are a waste of time. If I'm going on a long trip, screw portability, I'm bringing a bigscreen, an XBox, my PS2, and a portable generator. No bear dare approach my tent.
Ok heres the deal..
I got my very first video game system back in the late 80s and it was a nintnedo. And i loved it. so of course, I'll always be a Nintnedo Fan, usually (NOT ALWAYS) you can trust Nintendo to give you a great time. But since then, more systems have come out. And while I love all my games, I will always choose nintendo products before I get the others first. I got my Snes before Genisi, my 64 before my PSX and my Cube before my Xbox and PS2. Now here are my thoughts on the DS and PSP.. The Nintendo DS: Uses Smart Cards (or something similar) Boasts support for all other games before it Nice Long Battery Hours Online Support via PC (I read that somewhere) Nice size, and sexy shape Touch Screen (Nice add on, could be intresting) Personal Instant Messassing 2 other DS Nice Price Tag Honestly, I cant think of anything that disspoints me really, except for their game line-up. Rehased Mario Kart and Mario 64, um.. excuse me, I can get those for $20 at my local Walmart.. Now for the PSP: Large Size, last time I checked, just a smide smaller then the orginal atari lynx (if you had one, you know what I mean) Poor Battery life (2.5 - 3 hours game time, 8 hours music time, no screen on) Uses CDs (I hate CDs to tell the truth) High Price Tag Multimedia Monster - Excuse me Sony, I already have a MP3 player, a DVD player, and a audio/video player. I want a hand held game, for, well, hand held gaming! Only plays PSP games I mean, come on, yeah, I know, they both have online support, and Im SURE itll have the instat message thing later. But the PSP just reminds me too much of one of those Urber Powerful handhelds, that ARE better, but end up selling bad anyways. Id like to remind you all of the: NeoGeo Color Sega GameGear Sega Nomad Atari Lynx These were all top notch handhelds that hardware wise kicked the hell out of the gameboy, but they still failed. I feel Sony tried to cram too much crap into the PSP and made a bloated monster. And they CLOUD of used carts of some sort, it would of saved on hardware space. I mean, actully, you could have a multi cart game. As for the N-Gage, they totally fixed the look of it, which is very attractive, out of the 3, I like the way the Gage looks most. But the Graphics on the gage are kind of grainy for me. But I also love the idea of onling gaming, without actully having to have it connected to something. Pay the proper membership fees, and someone could call you up for help in a FPS, that is tight! And they fixed the way the cell phone thing worked, so it dosent look like your talking into a taco or something. It could be good, and I may get one, but only cause I dont have a cell phone either. Out of the 3, I honestly see the DS coming out on top, and PSP and the Gage fighting for the rest of the sales between themselfs. |
Im getting the DS because....
1. It has some of the old game that was hard as hell to complete 100% on 1-player mode. *coughmario64cough* 2. Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl is coming out on the DS (Shut up, i'm 13 and still like Pokemon, kinda >.>) 3. It has two screens and a touch-pad. 4. Online capacity and it folds! >_> 5. Superior price tag. |