I had started a private Grouper group a while back, but due to a lack of public interest, I'm starting a new PUBLIC one. Grouper, if you didn't know, is like iTunes on crack. You can listen to anyone's music without having to download it.
First get all set-up here: [URL=http://www.grouper.com/]http://www.grouper.com/[/URL]
Then post your e-mail here so I can send you an invitation to the group!
Please share, and please remain online as much as you can (Feel free to close it off for gaming, etc lol: )
Streaming music is legal, just so you know :P Just don't share/download other file types, and you'll be "ok" :)
![]() Nov 19 2004, 2:54 pm
![]() Nov 19 2004, 3:38 pm
[email protected]
Invite sent....all of my friends from the private group haven't joined yet, so you'll be the first member heh :)
~Kujila |
Invited. We have quite a lot of users now! :)
Remember everyone, long periods of inactivity will get you KICKED ~Kujila |
Ah, what the hell. [email protected]