I've been thinking about ditching Windows XP Home Edition and installing my spare copy of Windows XP Professional. I've created a ghost file with Norton ghost that saves all my files/settings. Since i was running Home Edition when i used Norton ghost to save my settings/files would it be possible to use them on Win XP Professional?
Nov 20 2004, 12:15 pm
In response to Crispy
Crap,I totally forgot about that. Mm.. I wonder if there is any other way besides getting the important information and burning it to a disk. Perhaps some program that compresses all your files like Norton ghost but without the operating system as well.
~>Jiskuha |
In response to Jiskuha
Aha! I found out that you can just upgrade youre current version of windows home edition to professional :)
~>Jiskuha |
Me, I just burn everything I want to keep to CD and reformat. Luckily, I only have to do this every few years. =)