Descriptive Problem Summary:
when ever i try to log onto some servers on ss13, before the game even ever trys to load it gives me this notice "Your key is corrupt. to restore it, you must try again while connected to the internet" i have tried just about every thin i could think of like even reinstall byond it self and it has never done anything to change it please help oh and when i get that notice, byond will no longer even pull up the window to say that it is loading ANY other game.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
*pull up byond
*find the link to the server off the net
*follow the link
*get the notice and byond stops trying anything
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
Expected Results:
for the game to load up then play
Actual Results:
a window pops up and and the byond logog pops up for half a second then the notice i said above shows up and i can no longer play anything else with out reloading byond fulling
In other games?
no but i can play most other servers
In other user accounts?
On other computers?
When does the problem NOT occur?
only if i play on a server not under the effect
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
the server used to work but now no longer lets me in
Jun 16 2015, 7:22 pm
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Which 507 build are you using? There was a bug in an earlier build that could cause some issues like this.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Which 507 build are you using? There was a bug in an earlier build that could cause some issues like this. Pretty sure I linked that one in too. |
Oh, you know, it could be that those servers are using an old version they shouldn't be. That would explain a lot.
LOTU, I suggest if you see that happen at any point, contacting the server admins some other way (login on an alt account if need be) and letting them know they need to upgrade to 507.1286. | forum/?post=294255&hl=key%20corrupt#comment1291808 forum/?command=search&scope=all&forum=5&text=key+corrupt