Does anyone know Suger Rush.??

Well if you do dont let him on any of your games.

He ripped my floor, for my new game that shall be the first ever X-men game on byond.

So what ever you do if he aint talking hes ripping so be careful.
Heh, I was going to try and recreate X-men legends onto BYOND, but then I decided against it...
Chwgt wrote:
new game that shall be the first ever X-men game on byond.

Sorry, but X-men games have already been made on BYOND.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Heh, I was going to try and recreate X-men legends onto BYOND, but then I decided against it...

I am very glad you did. BYOND developers have a habit of killing my interest in many games by atempting to recreate it on BYOND.
I before E except after C ;)

In response to Stimulus
Well it was coming out good...but it's like 3D so you can't exactly recreate it good....