I had recently made a game called Halls Of Dragonis in java, not BYOND, oh yah...clap for me! And this is my lame attempt to advertise it! So far it's not online but it does have a few features, working on a tutorial for it, I got inventory in, walking(REALLY DAMN HARD IN JAVA!) Anyway, here is the link


and if you don't have java, go here


End of pitiful advertisement.
i am currently learning java. It's alittle bit harder then dm but not by much.

In response to Jiskuha
VB .NET for me! Yay! Imanoooob

In response to Jiskuha
You havn't tried anything hard then have you? =p

I had to add a map system, I had to add a extract turf system, even a walk system, which took forever. I had to paint the turfs whenever you're in a certain position. All that junk =)
In response to Kujila
lol, my grandpa is a programmer, he sometimes uses visual basics...newb. But he only uses it for simple things, he uses C.
Oh yah. forgot to mention, I also added a forum for it, lol

My Sad HOD Forum(Join...Pity me....)
...Buzzy that is so sexy....

Er, I mean, nice. Looks good.

In response to Haiku
Well. I am too sexy for my script...
Wow, neat. Erm, even though I can login with the username Username and the pass Password...Wierd >_>