![]() Nov 28 2004, 3:46 pm
Heh. I set my SMS alert on my phone to the "Go Go Power Rangers" beep last week, so I'd have to say the original series (well, that was the only series I watched so I'd have to say it anyway).
It's all about the Mighty Morphin series, the very first was the best. I remember my mom worked with the mom of the chick who played the Pink Ranger(In the very start of the Power Rangers). I even got to meet her because of it on various occasions, man she was a hotty.
Smoko wrote:
I liked the originals You would have to be in Japan about thirteen years ago to see the orginal PR... Atleast the show the American version was spun off of. ~Text Edit: 60% of America's entertainment originate from Japan =\ |
Kujila wrote:
I also remember some random episode I caught the end of while channel surfing... That happened in, 2 series ago, from the present PR series. The series was Wild Force Power Rangers(had the worst story line ever) And in your pther post the one with dad owning city to stop mutant attacks, i THINK it was PR Lost Galaxy. |
BTW, have any of you realised that ever since the Might Morphin rangers introduced that big fat zord that carries the other around, EVERY other seires has copied it.. except for the unrealistic ones where the zords fly out of no where(Wild Force)*cough*
Bah! You mean that Voltron rip off?
Heh, I watched it when the first series came out, and gradually watched it less with each passing "generation" (I haven't even seen an episode of the last two, or three, or whatever, series... heck, I don't even know how many series I've missed...lol) I frequently make the joke that the entire thing is one big marketing gimick... "The toy sales for [insert series name here] are slipping... Get ready to release the next one!" Once people stop buying the toys from a series, they make a new one, with new toys...lol I've noticed that the more recent ones are getting away from the 5-member team (5 Rangers, 5 Zords), and are getting into weird combinations of 3 and such... They shouldn't be screwing with the formula like that... The entire genre is founded on groups of 5! All of you Power Ranger fans should check out the original Japanese versions of the series... I hear they've got better storylines... How many of you even knew that PR is a hacked dub of Japanese shows? I say it's a "hack" because the company that brings them to the U.S. completely dices them up and essentially writes their own stories, and pretty much just uses the fighting and Zord footage from the original... Yup, that's right... If you see footage of a Power Ranger with a helmet on, you're probably watching the Japanese actor in that suit... The Americans are only used for voice-overs, and scenes where they're not in their suits and/or helmets... |
I personally couldn't stand watching something so childish and immature now that i'm older. I use to watch it when I was younger, but that was when I was 5-9. :/
It's not like everything came out of no where on that series anyway. |
I agree with Kaga-Kami . ANd they started comming out with like over 80 series it started to scare me for a money o.o
Kusanagi wrote:
I remember my mom worked with the mom of the chick who played the Pink Ranger(In the very start of the Power Rangers). I even got to meet her because of it on various occasions, man she was a hotty. That's Amy Jo Johnson. My brother (older brother, even!) had the biggest crush on her. He was even pen-pals with her for a while. I agree with everyone else -- the original is the best. I used to love it when I was little (and Ninja Turtles). ~>Volte |
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
I've noticed that the more recent ones are getting away from the 5-member team (5 Rangers, 5 Zords), and are getting into weird combinations of 3 and such... It starts off with 3 basic power rangers but after a few shows they introduce another 2, like in Dino Thunder or ninja storm |
Timeforce owned because it was realistic..almost. And the yellow one was black. And female. And strong. |
DaBlickSuperman wrote:
Okay, I think that everyone here knows about the power rangers, and no matter how old we get the power rangers will ALWAYS be part of our lives. BUT, which power rangers series do you think was the best? I think that the very VERY old ones(mighty morphin') was the best, but what do you think? Ah, yes. I remember when I was but a wee lad of twelve years and I saw my first episode. As I recall, it featured the villain sending a guy wearing a big round mascot-style costume of a pig's head to ruin the Rangers' school-sponsored party by eating all the food! Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me remember why I didn't stick around and follow the show's gripping storytelling through any more episodes. Hmmmmm. |
Now that we realise powerrangers are the best =) how long do you think it will last?
As shown in these few 30+ posts, everyone likes the originals, but astime goes on people will forget about it, they'll make newer(maybe gayer) power rangers, so how long 'till its all just a memory, look what happened to the ORIGINAL X-Men, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they've all been changed, MAJORLY, and the old ons have been forgotten |