![]() Dec 1 2004, 10:56 am
In response to DarkView
I don't nessicarily understand why people even want to act indecent in the first place. I mean, wouldn't that make most of the higher up people dislike you? I think it would.
As you grow older you lose interest in BYOND? What study did this come from?
Actually, BYOND (and formerly DUNG) attracted early users because it was a powerful and convenient way to create multi-user games without having to worry about alot of the basics such as graphics handling, memory allocation, and networking protocols. As time has gone on, more users have been drawn to BYOND, some for games, some for the programming. Unfortuantely, the gamers seem to be disproportionately composed of rather immature users who are more interested in their entertainment than adding anything to the community. (One can theorize about why those interested in programming tend to be more interested in contribution...) This has necessitated a greater role for moderators and more clear statements of community standards. By way of example, the old DUNG forums had many good contributors (Theodis, Spuzzum, Gughunter, Deadron, Zilal, etc. to name a few) and never seemed to have problems with rude or disrespectful community members. Even unskilled novices were genuinely interested in learning, not ripping, spamming, or scamming. I am not trying to wax poetic about how much better the "old days" were, I am simply pointing out that user behavior has necessitated current moderator activity. |
Woah, man, why does this always keep turning to you? Maybe you should sort out your own personal issues before committing to a position on current moderator activities. Before you respond, consider this:
1) BYOND is a community built around a programming tool. It is not a place for reaffirmation or self-worth. Just programming and creation. Maybe playing the games, too. 2) Playing the victim solves nothing. So stop it. If you have a problem with BYOND, report the bug. If you have a problem with the BYOND community, figure out why. 3) It's not all about you. After reading every post in this thread, I am surprised at how personally you seem to take things. When you're reading a post, try to calm down and realize that even if they are disagreeing with your position, they aren't necessarilly attacking you. If you aren't sure, ask for clarification. If they are, report it to a mod. Don't sink to their level and flame back. |
That picture looks like a terrorist who couldn't afford a full headress or an AK-47 ;-)
BTW, the blade looks fairly short, like a kodachi or wakizashi perhaps. Why is the wielder using two hands? Generally, a grip that keeps the primary blade behind the user with the other sword in front defensively is preffered for one handed blades. (The shorter blades are used defensively.) Even if one blade is lost, two hands are rarely used unless a very powerful blow is needed. Two handed styles are generally reserved for weapons like the nodachi. |
what if its a moderator that's exhibiting blatantly abusive behavior? that seems to be an issue here, because one person said something that might be against the rules, but they were joking and they still got punished. ...and? It was still against the rules, wasn't it? If I push you down the stairs for a joke, I still pushed you down the stairs, didn't I? If somebody makes a post that's nothing but a ten page stream-of-consciousness style pornographic rant, does it matter if they did it to be funny? In short, they were punished for their action, not for their motivation. If you can tell me how it's abusive for a mod to stifle actions that are against the rules, I will give you a shiny new cantelope. |
It sounds like you want the whole world to know you exist and care about every little thing you do. Well, that is never going to happen. And so what? You get flamed, spammed, ETC. who doesn't? It's life. Some immature kid will always come by to spam you just for the hell of it. It's just how it goes.
The picture was made as a joke... And I can wield it with one hand, but two hands I think are just fine when you aren't holding another weapon :\ That's one reason the handle is long, just like a No Dachi's, because it is able to be used with two hands as well as one (Though a no dachi would be a bit heavy for a single hand.).
Although, I got my neck knives the other day! I'm a happy ninja. |
If you give and never receive, that is their loss, not yours. You will be rewarded for that sooner or later, believe me (and if you believe in God [like me] then you will be sent to Heaven). Do good things, don't worry what others are doing. If you keep giving and never receive, just keep giving.
Jmurph wrote:
As you grow older you lose interest in BYOND? What study did this come from? The study of myself, as well as others I met using BYOND, that I still keep in contact with. NeoHaxor, Branks, Sariat, SSJ Radditz, and Mellifluous are a few that I speak with every know and then that have expressed to me that they simply grew tired of BYOND. And yes I do realize that some people enjoy it so much that they may never get tired of BYOND, but the vast majority of the community will. By the time most of the younger, immature acting kids make it to high school and become a great deal more mature, they will probally have stopped using BYOND. |
See, and then some person comes in and undermins it because he's jealous that I may be getting more attention then someone else, and he thinks thats unfair. No, I think someone deserves attention when they've lacked of it for the better part of their working lives. :/
GokuDBZ3128 wrote:
If you give and never receive, that is their loss, not yours. You will be rewarded for that sooner or later, believe me (and if you believe in God [like me] then you will be sent to Heaven). Do good things, don't worry what others are doing. If you keep giving and never receive, just keep giving. You may believe in whatever you want, but don't try to push it on other people. I believe that whoever your creator was, they wouldn't refuse you your lifes reward for doing "Bad" things. But i'm not even going to begin explaining how my mind works. |
i suppose it depends on the technicalities of the rule.
if the rule says "be nice to others", then calling someone a loser is fine if its apparently joking. if the rule is, "dont spam the forum", then spamming the forum is still bad even if you're joking. even if its a joke, its still spamming, and spamming is against the rule. if you are joking and call someone a loser, then its not insulting. of course someone has to determine if its joking or not, but, it would make a difference. |
OneFishDown wrote:
of course someone has to determine if its joking or not, but, it would make a difference. Which the mod did. The point is that new people coming here would see that, and not know it was a joke. All they would see is person A calling person B a loser and getting away with it. The only difference lies within the mind of the poster, to everyone else, the insult is clear, and that's what matters. ~X |