![]() Nov 29 2004, 4:29 pm
In response to Kaga-Kami
Yeah, the threat of being banned doesnt really make people change their behaviour because not alot of people care, lol.
Jermman wrote:
Yeah, the threat of being banned doesnt really make people change their behaviour because not alot of people care, lol. Apparently they care enough to complain. |
The mods aren't abusing. Be silent, they won't mess with you if you just manage to follow the community guidelines.
Stimulus wrote:
...as forum mods have done time and time again, may run away potential developers... got any examples? as far as I have been a mod, i have not seen a single instance by myself or other moderators where the person involved did not get what they deserved, and in every case was amply warned, talked to, or even briefly 'slapped' with a short term ban (from a few days to a week) *before* harsher action was taken. i doubt there are many other forums that are so lenient with it's community. regarding the two cases where one person got banned and the other a warning for calling someone else 'loser'- the first person had been warned several times about such behavior, and a one-week slap was the next preferred step to hopefully cause that person to 'wake up'. the other person has not had a similar history, so only warranted a warning. i know this because i was the mod who banned the former and warned that later. so if people are going to call me a communist, get the term correct in the first place. were i one, i would have either a) banned both outright without explanation, or b) come to their houses and shot them both. luckily we live in a kinder, more forgiving world. if you don't like that world, i am sure we can be more draconian as other forums typically are. (the last not directed to you Stimulus) |
Stimulus wrote:
Many great developers, or people who assist in the development of games (icon artists, mappers, ect...), started off as immature little children. So being a too strict in some cases, as forum mods have done time and time again, may run away potential developers, just as easily as people acting childish may. During the years on this forum, the immature persons that grew up to be excellent developers were also at many times polite, open minded, and willing to learn. They weren't some rebel-against-everything wannabe punks with tons of attitude. Spotting a potential intelligent coder and a rebellious kid isn't too hard if you give it a try. And the mods have a pretty good feeling for that, hence the strict moderation if there is nothing but attitude in a persons posting. /Gazoot |
Gazoot wrote:
Stimulus wrote: Indeed. The loudest complainers and worst offenders have generally been among the most inept at development in the first place. Anyone who seriously tries to work on their code also generally tries to foster a better attitude so they can rely on others to help them when they get stuck. The good developers who started out with a bad attitude have often learned quickly to change their tune, though naturally there are always exceptions. Lummox JR |
Oh come on. You really haven't noticed how many of the 'oldbies' are no longer around or post maybe once every few months?
I don't know if it's my place to start naming names. What if I'm wrong and somebody just left due to time restriction or some other cause, my post would lose all validity. But you can't deny the link between, childish behaviour --> less of our mature userbase. |
You would have urged them both to revolt against the tyrannical fascist-capitalist bonds that enslave them!
And it wouldn't have had any bearing on moderator activities as communism is an economic political theory that has little to do with the administration of justice or community standards. I wish people would educate themselves a little more before slapping labels around.... |
Nadrew wrote:
I really wish that was a better picture, cause I like it. :P That is a webcam snapshot of my current drivers license photo. I was working in a convienience store at the time, and being 6 feet tall, 265 pounds and hairy tended to encourage the clientle to behave. >:) |
Jmurph wrote:
...communism is an economic political theory that has little to do with the administration of justice or community standards. yeah, what he said! :) |
No, more or less they throw down whatever they thing they are, and then sit there and assume. From what you said, it even sounds like that's what they do.
And besides, just because the person has there own personality, or style of things they do, doesn't mean they don't have the potential. Everyone has potential, weither you want to control them or not. :/ |
digitalmouse wrote:
Stimulus wrote: Maybe these people are rebeling for some other reason? Maybe they aren't just "rebelious kids" like all you old fogies think they are. Byond has a sick way of pissing people off, and then making them look like the bad guys. So, atleast try to see it there way too, if you don't, then you're all hypocrites. |
And if you were a moderator, that's what you'd do as well. This isn't a free country, it's a private community owned by some guys named Dan and Tom. No one has to give you any reason or respect when it comes to moderating the community. You could rightly be banned forever with no reason at all. You have no right to post here, it's a priviledge that's been extended to us by Dantom. They chose the mods themselves and granted them the discretion to moderate according to some loose guidelines. Even so, the fact that they give people numerous warnings and temporary bans shows lieniency. They don't have to do this, they could just permenantly ban anyone who doesn't fit their cup of tea.
I think you people need to show some respect for these volunteers who take time out of their day to deal with the more unruly patrons here. They aren't getting paid for it, and it's not really an enjoyable position. They do it, though, because they enjoy BYOND and want to help keep it a good place for everyone. This thread practically slaps them in the face for wanting to make BYOND a friendly and productive community for all developers. Bottomline is: You don't like the mods? Tough. Deal with it or leave. They aren't going anywhere, and they aren't going to allow blatantly abusive, rude and innapropriate behavior here either. ~X |
Lummox JR wrote:
Anyone who seriously tries to work on their code also > > > > generally tries to foster a better attitude so they can rely > on others to help them when they get stuck. I agree with you here. People should also think about the players. Who is going to want to play a game with an argumentative social loathing owner looming about? |
Kaga-Kami wrote:
Maybe these people are rebeling for some other reason? Maybe they aren't just "rebelious kids" like all you old fogies think they are. You know what? It doesn't matter if they are rebeling for world peace. Unruly behavior is still not acceptable, no matter what the reason. If you can't conduct yourself in a civil manner, then you have no reason to conduct yourself here. We aren't your therapist, we aren't your parents. We aren't you guidence councelor, preacher or doctor. We don't have to deal with your mental problems, and if they cause you to become a problem for us, you'll be dealt with accordingly. Byond has a sick way of pissing people off, and then making them look like the bad guys. So, atleast try to see it there way too, if you don't, then you're all hypocrites. No they won't. Do you even know what the word means? Look it up sometime. And if BYOND pisses you off, why are you here? I don't care if you get pissed off. If you decide to take your anger out here, you'll be hearing from the mods. Learn to control yourself and take some friggin responsibility for your own actions. ~X |
I never said i was talking about myself, you seem to be though.
Have fun with yourself there xoox. [EDIT] I'm not really a bad person, I just hate everyone here. I'm not mean, i'm not stupid, i'm not an asshole. Everyone just "*"Thinks"*" I am. And, I don't have mental problems, i'm as fine as any of you, (And everyone here has said some pretty creepy things.) i don't have a therapist, I don't have a "doctor", I don't have a shrink. I'm not abnormal, just alittle weird. Which means you have to get past what you don't like (which is just a mask to keep stupid people away, which all of you are doing. Hahah!) because after you read the book, you won't think it's retarded just because of the cover. Quit assuming things and getting all red, i'm not here to start any trouble. Just having fun. |
Perhaps you weren't refering to yourself, but I see you as part of the THEY that makes up the lower spectrum of the community. So my use of the word "you" is still applicable. Quit wasting forum space with your pointless drivel and go do something productive.
~X |
Xooxer wrote:
We aren't your therapist, we aren't your parents. We aren't you guidence councelor, preacher or doctor. we we we we we we we. someone sure likes to speak for everyone. heh, it would be funny though if his therapist, parents, guidance counselor, preacher, and doctor were all members of BYOND =) And if BYOND pisses you off, why are you here? something in life pissed me off once, so i immediately concluded that ending life was the only solution and promptly committed suicide. oh wait, no, i guess i didn't kill myself because life has some redeeming aspects, much like how BYOND can be annoying at times but overall has qualities that keep people here. but i'm sure you thought of that. |