Keywords: acoustic, music i%27ve%20got%20a%20feeling.mp3

yes the singing is bad

if having emotions makes me "emo", then so be it

if you even say the word "emo" i am banning you from my blog for being a stupid idiot that is a waste of the air they breathe

uh, yeah

Good job. Singing was pretty good, considering most of us can't sing at all. Us being most of the residence of Earth.
most of the time i am a better singer

but this song was recorded after an entire night of my best friend for all of high school telling me that i am an asshole and that everybody thinks terrible things about me

thank you for being awesome, by the way
I wish I could hear it, but my windows media player is all messed up. Know of any good media players I could download?
Winamp is what I use. Never use quicktime or realplayer because they rape every program you own... there is some open-source audio program out there, too.

Anyway, you should probably not be in a big rush to hear it. it's pretty dumb, depressing, and overdramatic

in a kind of tongue-in-cheek way I think maybe
Downloaded, and installing now! Stand by for song comments!
I thought the singing was pretty good. Is that an origonal song? The song is slower than the music I usually listen to, but I still thought it was good.
It is actually a song called I've Got a Feeling originally by Neva Dinova. I just kind of added a bit of Conor Obersty flair to it in my version.

Thanks, though! I am glad you like it, and maybe I will upload something a little more positive and upbeat and more real singing so you don't think I am some depressed maniac.

Maybe something original, too.

<3 evi of au
Heh, I acctually enjoy unknown music a bit more than popular stuff, I don't know why. Maybe it's because I am not in to what's really popular music wise these days.

Keep it up man.
Gets 5 thumbs up from me
Did you upload a version of this before? I still have a file with the same name in My Documents and I know I got it from a BYOND Member.

[Edit: Yup. Same song and same file size. =) ]
Evi: Winamp == The Shit. My only problem with it is that it doesn't work on Linux or Mac OS. It doesn't even bother me that they are owned by AOL(They seem to avoid admiting it).
Popular music blows. The only reason it's popular is because the recording industry says it's popular, coaxing yet more 80-IQ twits to hunt their copy down so they can feel like they've accomplished something in their miserable, bourgeois lives.

(If what I just said there didn't sound emo, I don't know what does. ;-))

Independent or unpopular music for the win!
Nice. I liked the music, and the singing wasn't half bad at all. <3
Jt: I dunno, I think a lot of popular music has some merit. I just "bought" Justin Timberlake's newest album and I'm really enjoying it so far. A song with a catchy hook is worth its weight in gold, and that is why the music is popular.

It depends on what you're looking for in music, really. Most music listeners don't want to have to listen to a song dozens of times before you start to understand the underlying harmonic elements and hooks (a la Opeth or The Paper Chase), so they seek out something more accessible. Hey, the new Pussycat Dolls album is out! Don'tcha think your girlfriend is hot like me? o/'

You can't tell me you haven't found yourself humming that at least once in your life! :)

More mature listeners won't mind listening to an album a few times before the big picture comes to them. Sometimes I'll come home from work and not be in music mode and want to throw something quick and easy on. Will I throw Tool on? Heck no, I'm listening to the Beach Boys, baby.
ps: Thanks, CepheusSeriphos :)

I'm buying some actual recording equipment next weekend (this song was recorded with a computer mic on a headset >_>) and gonna flex my audio engineering muscles.

Uh, maybe I shouldn't play those muscles up too much. I will flex my slightly developed muscles in audio engineering. That works.

Anyway, I have been writing a lot of material (some upbeat stuff, some slower stuff) and will be uploading most of them to either my MySpace or here. In the end I'm looking for acoustic emo/folk + electronic elements.

I'm hoping it will be a really fresh sound :)
People think terribly about me to, I have like... 7 or so freinds I actually hang out with. I got jumped 6th grade. I went to a alternative school in 7th grade, and got jumped -_-. And I am still messed with today... I am in 10th now.
"Most music listeners don't want to have to listen to a song dozens of times before you start to understand the underlying harmonic elements and hooks"

What are harmonic elements and hooks?