In response to Jmurph
Oui. Opinions and beliefs are basically rocks. You can use them as stepping stones to help you navigate the uneven ground of life... which means frequently abandoning them and leaving them behind... or you can cling onto them and drag them with you everywhere you go. Guess which one will get you where you need to be faster?
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
Infact, Hitler's very own "Mein Kampf" starts off with the classic line:

"Du must nicht essen und dan schwimmen"

and the fact that he had a few screws loose does not make you think that this phrase should be questioned too?

In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
Elation wrote:
Infact, Hitler's very own "Mein Kampf" starts off with the classic line:

"Du must nicht essen und dan schwimmen"

and the fact that he had a few screws loose does not make you think that this phrase should be questioned too?


Tell that to the kid in my History class, who has printed out the entire of the book, and keeps it as his bible.

He also wanted to create a "Pure blood English race".
(He's Ginger, ironically)
In response to Jmurph
You talk like a Githzerai O_O

Quotes from Planescape: Torment-

Dak’kon: "Your reasons for your incessant clicking are not *known* to me."

Dak’kon: "Strength lies in *knowing* oneself."
In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
;_; Not Jerry

Yes, Jerry. Exploiting and mocking people for entertainment is just wrong.

Of course, Hitler did worse things... but just because Hitler was bad, doesn't mean Jerry Springer isn't.
In response to Crispy
Not that Jerry... Jerry Seinfeld. The king of "observational humor", of the "You ever notice how [x]? What's that all about?" formula.
In response to Hedgemistress
Springer, Seinfield, they both start with S. =P

(But my comment about Jerry Springer stands, however off-topic it turned out to be.)
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