
It looks like some one stole Zails work.

They need to die
Who's Zail?
This dosen't look familiar to me..

This thing is in the Tutorials of byondscape(since 2003 I think).. dosen't look like a copy of anything to me..
Rcet wrote that tutorial years ago, if anything Zail stole from him.
In response to Nadrew
Oh, my mistake, sorry. Its just that everyone tells people to read the ZBT not RBT
In response to Smoko
and since it still has Rcet's name on it- it ain't much of a "theft" but more like a re-printing.
Whatever you do, don't click on Planet Rcet.
In response to Mertek
Wow, Rcet has one helluva colorful page there :)
In response to Kunark
You clicked it! Bah, bad kunark. *sprays water can* Bad Doggy!
In response to Kunark
:'( I miss those old BYOND colors
In response to Shun Di