![]() Jan 10 2005, 11:48 am
In response to Strawgate
Ahem, your opinions are for ME to decide, sir.
no one told me so ha... But i want you all to know i did say I DO NOT think it as fake(i think it was real
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you're a big Michael Moore fan/believer...
Edit: Also, as for the side-effects of testing nukes, detonating a nuke so far underwtaer would have a high chance of little radation spreading quickly, and it could theoretically be possibly to cause an earthquake by setting off a nuke in the ring of fire area, but these sites that thing it was a US/Israel attack to draw attention from the ME, or get reconstruction contracts for US firms is stretching about as far as possible for excuses. Some people refuse to accept things for what they are, and think there's some dark truth to everything. Also, that Ohio poll info is [bull]. Why don't you explain to me why Michael Moore put hundreds/thousands of cameras up in Florida and Ohio to catch and 'intimidation' by republicans, but none in Pennsylvannia, which was as vital as the other two? I'm sure that PA being heavily democratic had NOTHING to do with it... Kerry lost, Bush won, by alot, now these crybaby liberals need to stfu and work with the man instead of against him. God forbid we ever have people just accept election results and focus on helping run the country instead of arguing a moot point. |
Nova2000 wrote:
my question is if it was a weapon of some sort all the fishes would be gone and (if it was a bomb)the sand would turn to glass O.o actually that question of why makes it seem more likely they would do it right? As a part of matter to controlling logic. However no government dropped bombs in an ocean to make this tsunami. (*The Tsar Bomb was supposedly capable of delivering 100 megatons, but detonated with 50) |
Hedgemistress wrote:
To slightly injure Jet Li? I know it seems unlikely, even incredible, but apparently the raging power of the tsunami was enough to accomplish it. You can read about it here, on Sci Fi Wire... covering the stories that matter. Uhhh... I never heard of Jet Li tell now. Is this Jet Li suppose to be like superman or somthing? |
CloudMCStrife wrote:
Does it mean the end of the world? No. Does it mean god's wrath on mankind? No. Does it mean covert super secret government research killed thousands? More likely, but again, no. Can you prove any of that? No. |
That link just goes to a couple of messages: S: Excellent. Joe: Would be nice to know your background. marxleninstalin: down with imperialism Sammy: James dont be so ignorant, and get some real news if you have neuronas James: LOL...damn kids. Grow some pubic hair and get a job. Sammy: Jay youre an ignorant, go back to school !!! ramadan: halloo marie: and i am meaning about the earthquake marie: im 10 years old and i've only saw this one and i was terrifid Truth: Stop filtering the facts! 100s of earthquakes happen every year - but you don't mention those! http://neic.usgs.gov/ |
thats because some admin edited it changing the link...
http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/ channel.cfm?channelid=78&contentid=1766&page=2 |
You can't blame him, flooded ninja furniture tends to be very dangerous, he's lucky to of came out of that incident alive.
Nuclear explosions don't turn things to glass. This is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. In order to make glass, you have to have the right mixture of silica and other components. Not to mention the proper heat. Too much, it won't work, and needless to say, atomic fission is too much.
I mean, I'm not going to knock whatever anybody else believes, but... I'd put more stock in "the amazing batboy" I once saw on the cover of the national enquirer. I'm almost certain that we don't have any nuclear devices capable of creating seismic activity without nearly destroying the earth. To my knowledge, most "tactical nukes" aren't all that tactical. Most big ones, aren't either. Now, note that I'm no super genious, but it doesn't take one to point out that this is a crackpot theory. Anybody who believes this, well... I wouldn't expect too much from them or their offspring. |
no if you look at the refrence of the first atomic bomb testing the say it did in fact turn the sand into glass. It wasnt clear glass but it was glass.
If you called Jet Li a ninja, he would take great offense to it, as he's not Japanese, and the style he has trained under is used by Monks for self-defense, not assassination, which is what Ninja were trained primarily for.
Crispy wrote:
Elation wrote: Your Right but also wrong it wasnt earthquakes more like an aftershock after the one that hit us in australia but i will keep you guys Happy... Maybe it was an astroid Kinda like they one that burned up in my home town sydney australia.. Well i will be dam Maybe Australia is not safe at all then it comes to natural protection all these years thinkin i was safe from tornadoes Well i may be wrong and Get hit in the head with my computer by one tomorow. here is something for you to think about if we went to the moon why wont we go back ??? |
Strawgate wrote:
no if you look at the refrence of the first atomic bomb testing the say it did in fact turn the sand into glass. It wasnt clear glass but it was glass. the glass he is on about its called Trinitite The intense heat melted the New Mexico desert sand into a light green, glass-like substance which was later named "Trinitite". and the first atomic bomb tested was in New Mexico desert The nuclear explosion produced a blast equivalent of 18,000 tons of TNT and a ½ mile diameter fireball - with a temperature over 10 million degrees Fahrenheit, far hotter than the surface of the Sun. so Strawgate is right And if your stashing Trinitite your Got some problems as its only 35 bucks to buy lol lol i iwll sit here taking the so called Fakes into the Facts Well done Strawgate You no Your history :O |
Kingkye wrote:
here is something for you to think about if we went to the moon why wont we go back ??? Why would we want to? Been there, done that, let's go to Mars already. =P |