You now have to be a ninja to own ninja furniture?
Do you have to live in Olde England to own a Victorian style house? Or maybe be French to eat French food.
You sir, are great at making rules.
JordanUl wrote:
You now have to be a ninja to own ninja furniture? Rules can be bent, or broken. Free your mind, JordanU1. |
here is something for you to think about if we went to the moon why wont we go back ??? Because it's a waste of money. If people are pissed becuase money is wasted on a war, won't the be pissed at wasting billions of dollars going to the moon just so some old guys can say "SEE!" Think of a good reason, send it to NASA and sit back and reap the benifits, otherwise accept the fact that it's pointless. Besides people can think that we never reached the moon. Go ahead, it keeps people busy. But if your dumb enough to think that we don't have the technology to do it nowadays, then jesus... Wake up! |
JordanUl wrote:
here is something for you to think about if we went to the moon why wont we go back ??? Exactly. The moon is a ball of rock that got knocked off the Earth during it's formation. It's got NOTHING useful, as it is made from matter from the Earth's crust, not core. Ie, not good for mining. While it *has* nothing useful, it's useful lies in what it lacks. If we were to create a space-elevator; namely, a long tube connected to space from the Earth, then we could transport goods up to the moon. Here, we could build a base, from which we could launch rockets FAR easier than we could from the Earth. The moon has very little gravity in comparison to the Earth- and apart from navigation, 99% of a rocket's fuel is needed for escaping the Earth's gravitational pull. Remember that space has *very* little in, so you don't really need to use any fuel at all once you've got yourself in motion- and then you can use clever use of gravitational feilds to swing yourself round the planetary bodies. If we didn't need 80% of this fuel, we could deck our ships out with loads of lovely stuff for the residents of the rocket, not to mention saving BILLIONS. It would make space travel far more feasible. (Even though, to be honest, there's little point. Pluto, even though it's WAY out (the Sun is no bigger than any other star out there), it's still something like 1/500th from the edge of the Solar system. (oh, and you can't actually get out, 'cause you'd get pwned by cosmic rays, too). Meh, you guys all know this. Sorry to patronise. |
the only way to bend the spoon is to realize there is no spoon. I think bending spoons that aren't there is probably a sign of insanity. |
Theodis wrote:
the only way to bend the spoon is to realize there is no spoon. Or deep, insightful idealism, you dualist! |
Er, no, he's right.
Earthquakes cause Tsunamis.
The rock moves up and down, displacing MASSIVE amounts of water.
If you want an animated look, give the old BBC (at our beck and call) a glace:
Watch and learn, foo's!