Anybody got Star Wars: Clone Wars or Rainbow Six 3 and an XBox live gamertag? If you do, post your tag, and maybe we'll link up. I'll even host. I've got a good connection.

My Live tag is: HotButteredMan

I'll be on later tomorrow evening, around 7:30-8:00 CST until maybe 9:30 or 10:30 CST. (That'd be 5:30 BST to 8:30 BST.)

Anyway, I'm kind of crappy at these games, as I don't get much practice. ^_^
well ive got ghost recon 2 , halo 2, r63, but my bro plays halo 2 alot and i only play ghost recon 2

drunkenpirate94 ere
If I could I would play online, but I would use XBConnect or XKai. As I wouldnt want to waste my money by getting banned for having a modded console
In response to Covering Fire
BWAHAHAHAHA! That's a great tag!

I saw this guy last night, Drunk and Proud. It was pretty funny.
I got my new live account not long ago, I'm a rank 9 in Halo II Team-Slayer, and I got it within a week and a day. My new tag is XMODDER, I play Halo II, Ghost Recon 1, Project Gotham Racing 2, Underground 2, Splintercell 2, uhm, I guess that's it. I'm willing to team up with any SKILLED Halo II'ers, remember, skilled =).
I know this post is a little old but if you are still up to it maybe this weekend we can play some :). I Have rainbow six 3,Halo 2 and CS. My Live tag is: OnlyFish (Me and my brother share this live account.)

In response to Smoko
Smoko wrote:
If I could I would play online, but I would use XBConnect or XKai. As I wouldnt want to waste my money by getting banned for having a modded console

All modded Xbox chips should also be able to put the chip into sleep mode or turn it off. I actully installed a dip switch in the side of mine, so I can go to normal or modded mode with the flip of a switch.

The only way you could get banned is either by playing with the mod chip on, or trying to play a bootlet game. I would be banned for the 2nd reason.

But I thought Id give you a heads up.

Oh and BTW those xbox names are apperently randomly made, but you can change them if you are clever.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
All modded Xbox chips should also be able to put the chip into sleep mode or turn it off. I actully installed a dip switch in the side of mine, so I can go to normal or modded mode with the flip of a switch.

The only way you could get banned is either by playing with the mod chip on, or trying to play a bootleg game. I would be banned for the 2nd reason.

I know they can be turned off, but why bother paying for LIVE! when you can get two great alternatives for free? And some people (like me) softmodded or TSOP flashed their XBox.

I also forgot to mention, piracy is bad :P
In response to Smoko
Aye! Arrrrrh matey!

<SMALL>...I hate myself...</SMALL>
In response to Jiskuha
I'm sending you an invite. Same with most of you. Though, I'm busy this weekend... I met a girl that's enlisting under my recruiter and she wants to hang out! And she isn't manly (which was my first thought when I heard she was enlisting.)!

My gamertag is Sariat
In response to Ter13
Halo 2 and tons of others..
GT: I Kanak L
In response to Kanak
Halo 2 is all I have...

Gamer Tag: Branks
Gamer Tag: Branks2
In response to Branks
I just play Halo 2, I lost my Guilty Gear XX #Reload...*crycry*

Gamertag - DeadDemon01

*Please tell me your from BYOND, otherwise I wont accept.
In response to Dead_Demon
Key NickQuag

Games, halo 2(rarely), tiger woods 06, ncaa 2006, madden 2006, world champ poker, some others...
Heh, some people do take those types of games a bit seriously, but it is also annoying when you have 1 hour to play and some goofoff is ruining most of that time. I don't play X-Box games, but I do play PC FPSs quite a bit. What really bothers me is people who get angry over the way other people play.

Sure, I get annoyed at bunny hoppers and dophin divers, but they are but another aspect of the game(most games actually). I don't do ether, but I get really annoyed when I am prevented from shooting because I am on a rock kinda odd just because the developers didn't want people shooting while not solid footed(To stop bunny hopping and dophin diving).

Also, cheating in online games is not nice. I have seen it happen a lot on some older games, Delta Force and Gore, to name a few. I also think that it is not as uncommon as it should be on newer games, even those with punk buster or other anti-cheat devices.

Woah, I went way off topic there.

Back on topic: I don't play X-Box games on X-Box live. I have yet to see anything on there worth a monthy fee. My PC games are free once paid for, why shouldn't my X-Box games? I do use tunneling software from time to time to play online. Not too shabby, and pings are general simular to PC games.