I think that someone should advertise byond on tech tv, or another channel where smart people or gamers watch. This would prolly bring it people but with the downside of probally bring in cocky newbs. The other newbs are fine, lol. Byond has the potential to go far.
Provide a berjillionty-thousand-millionerbillion dollars! =O

You know you could just call the screensavers with a question and then scream out " GO THERE!" when you are live. Or you could just as easily e-mail unscrewed or the screensavers with a link to BYOND's website, if you don't want your number blocked...

BYOND will do advertising in a while... However, until they work out their truely-public release, they just lose money per user, so that isn't a good idea quite yet.
In response to Ter13
Unscrewed was canceled because G4 has no taste for talent. I want my Martin Sargeant. :-(
In response to HavenMaster
HavenMaster wrote:
Unscrewed was canceled because G4 has no taste for talent. I want my Martin Sargeant. :-(

G4 didn't want tech TV. They just wanted to broadcast their crap to more people. By merging with/buying Tech TV they got all of Tech TV's spots in satellite and cable lineups. Also Tech TV had one good game-related show, which they then proceeded to screw up.
In response to Jon88
Was pretty screwed before it was bought actually. They spend more time doing hillbilly jokes than reviewing games.
TechTV no longer exists, which leaves G4. Whose entire viewerbase consists of people who watch it while playing Halo 2.

Don't think they'd care much for BYOND anyways. If you could find a TV show ready to give some time to BYOND (being what it is, a tile based 2d engine) I'm sure it would be very expensive.

Although somebody like Leo Laporte would probably be interested and might mention something on the radio. Where I live we have somebody on the radio called Kim Kommando (...) Tech Expert who would do stuff like that.
In response to Ter13
Too bad TSS doesn't actually take live calls, they're all jsut scripted.
I don't think advertising is a good idea until they work out the next couple of versions of byond... in it's current state it isn't much more than anything else out there :P
My school has a radio/tv show that goes public. I could probably ask permission to advertise it their, the only problems are:

1. you'll get at least a hundred newbs who cuss in every sentence they say.

2. my school is failing the qualifications set by state and due to that reason and an enormouse debt owed by our school it will be closed down soon. I don't think you want people rom the 'hood taking control of BYOND. (not that every1 from the 'hood are mindless morons (in fact, none are, you have to have a brain in order to be a dealer :) ), but the majority are still in the 8th grade when they're 18 years old.)

Since that idea doesn't seem to work, there are a few popular gaming websites out there that I could probably get to advertise, and Nintendo Power did a segment before on the technique of making a game, I'm sure at least one of them would advertise BYOND, of course, I won't try yet. both DM and DS need to improve a little first. maybe in a year or so...
In response to Kujila
Meh, I just hope byond remain free at least for 3 more years. By than I'll have a job. Hopfully when they do advertise and if it brings in a lot of people Danton doesn't make it a pay thing. Not many of our younger people can pay or allowed to pay for it. Meh, I'm 15 and can't get a job yet due to lack of transportation and I'm lucky to have the internet. >.< DAMN CHEAP DIAL UP, better than nothing but just enough to make you want some sort of higher speed.
In response to WickedlyAndy
If BYOND gets to the point where you have to pay in order to play, then Tom should make to so the people who have been playing before then get to play for free, you know, since we will be the oldbies and all. We will not even be 5% of the community if BYOND starts advertising. We will only be a very small portion so it will not be that bad.
In response to WickedlyAndy
I'd pay for BYOND, and it'd be brilliant.

In response to Elation
Just make it so like it costs $5( at least ) to put up a hub entry, aside from demos and libraries. If I ever got finished with a real game, I'd probably pay that >_>.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
But that means all the DBZers will still be here.

BYOND 4.0 is all about DBZer destruction, don't kid yourself.

*Edit, I mean the Zeta players, you know that *no offense all*.
In response to Elation
Damn the BYOND Community for stereotyping Dbzers. Infact, I myself consider my self a dbzer, but I also do know right and wrong =P. I vow never to play a zeta rip, I also am creating my own dragonball game. Also Teh Govenator is a Dbzer I guess and he is basically a guru! =P
In response to Elation
Elation wrote:
But that means all the DBZers will still be here.

BYOND 4.0 is all about DBZer destruction, don't kid yourself.

*Edit, I mean the Zeta players, you know that *no offense all*.

If you are directing that to me since I told you, that you stereotyped the DBZers...I think you should change DBZer to "The 10 year old community who talk in L33T"
In response to Elation
Then have it so people who have been playing BYOND for 4 - 5 years can play for free. How does that sound? Well, add an extra year from this year until it becomes payable. I mean, you, me, and a few others have been playing BYOND for a very, very long time (I have much earlier Key Names then this). We should play for free, don't you think? I mean, we have practically been here since the beginning.
In response to GokuDBZ3128
Was DUNG ;-)
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