Hye my name is ryan brooks and i am kidna mad becouse my mom just left my dad like last ngiht maybe 11 hours ago, and im kinda confused my moms like come with me im stayin in a motel i say'Im not going to a motel' and she says ' FINE RYAN ILL GO MYSELF' that got me thinkin
if i dont go with my mom my mom will be mad if i dont go with my dad my dad will be mad, they were drinking last night and i heard stuff about them saying, well why did u see someone else in cornwall(where we used to live) shes like [censored] RANDY I DONT KNOW(they were still together at the time see) and hes like, well i dunno
and thats all i heard so someone please give me advise on how to fix this problem
[EDIT] Redone
Hell, Xooxer you seem to have a hard life. I thought my life was hard just from have my parents that cared for me in ways I couldn't realize until I was 16. Doing everything they say, doing it right. I'd be doing it for hours are the time, staying out side moving full trees, staying out cutting the grass with some scissors or something. But, I guess some people are pretty +++ sick (parate or whatever that sick +++ name was). Like I stated, in my other post your mom/parents DID love you. I mean really, they didn't just wake up one day and go, "Lets go +++and have a child. Then, lets put him up for adoption because we want his life to be a living hell." They didn't know everyone would treat you like trash, just me.. I don't even have to know them to know they wouldn't want that. Really Xooxie, do you see them like this? I understand it's a little a harder to see it on your side, but try to see it from the outside in... your mom's eyes. You know coming from me, I'm Ryne Rekab... "What you said to your mom was some of the worst +++ I've ever seen." You know how I act, how does it feel to be worst than me, in some way? -Angel |
This thread is Xooxer's, stop trying to hijack it with a pretty...well, 'unimpressive' story next to Xooxers. (and I wish I could say that could be a 'good thing') |
Wow, this thread made me think... Of course, I have no real opinion that could effect any of yours, we all have our own situatations, best course is to go by how you feel. The whole adoption case, your mother may have or may not have been in a situation to give you up, look into that. Oh yeah, Angel, theres no proof that his mother loved him at one time, he might have been an "accident". Cold to think about, but possibly true. Well, anyways, keep on keeping.
-Super Squirrel |
Super Squirrel wrote:
... he might have been an "accident". I've loved alot of accidents. Hell, I love myself. -Angel |
Xooxer wrote:
Yes. Let me be the first to call you an idiot? If you want some good music to listen to... "How do you get that lonely" by Blaine Larsen [EDIT] - I'd really like if you would listen to it. That's a good song, it's country music. The artist that sings it is about 18, well that's what he looks like. -Angel |
There's no honest way you can call him a moron without actually being in his shoes, in this case. From what he said before I'd probably much rather be an internet moron typing in all caps than have to remember things like that everytime I wake up in the morning. Also think, I'm sure the line isn't drawn at what he put in that e-mail.
SSJ2GohanDBGT wrote:
There's no honest way you can call him a moron without actually being in his shoes, in this case. From what he said before I'd probably much rather be an internet moron typing in all caps than have to remember things like that everytime I wake up in the morning. Also think, I'm sure the line isn't drawn at what he put in that e-mail. I just did it honestly. I meant with everything in which I could. I still stand by it. -Angel |
They say ignorance is bliss, but it is still bliss.
You are not in his shoes, and sometimes it does seem like it would be easier to just live the perfict little life. I would not agree with him either, but I have a feeling he know a thing or two more about his life than we do. |
Scoobert wrote:
You are not in his shoes, and sometimes it does seem like it would be easier to just live the perfict little life. I would not agree with him either, but I have a feeling he know a thing or two more about his life than we do. I didn't agree with him to the extremes at first either, but after getting a little bit more insight its hard to say I know how he feels and its hard for me to say I wouldn't do the same thing in his position. |
You see, though, the difference between you and me is, you care for your mother. I don't. I don't know these people. I have no feelings for them other than the feelings I've always had towards life.
Before they contacted me and all this weirdness came back into my life, I had always suspected that the state of New York had pulled us from their home for some stupid reason like them being poor, or some sort of drug use. I've seen it happen many times. My anger was always directed at a faceless judge and the state of New York. But, when I learned the truth, learned that she just gave us up because it was too hard, it altered the direction of my anger from a faceless judge to them. She has told me time and again that she never gave up looking for me and my brother Chris, but I just don't believe it. In order for us to be adopted in the first place, she had to sign papers stating she no longer wanted parental control over our lives, basically divorcing herself from us. This happened long after we were already in the system. Seems odd that a person who loved and missed me so much would sign my life away like that. She didn't have to. We were no longer living with her, we weren't a burden, but we were still hers. Once she signed those papers, though, all that changed. What's more, my half-sister Chelsie was also put up for adoption, another castaway. My mother told me the story behind that, and I also find it hard to swallow. Basically, she was sick, and couldn't care for Chelsie while she was in the hospital. They placed her in some foster home until my mom got better, but it took some time, and by the time she was well again, they had put Chelsie up for adoption. I'm sorry, but that's a load of crap. The state can't place a child into an adoptive home without first removing the original parent's rights to be their legal guardians, and that doesn't happen without a court order, or the parent's signature. She gave Chelsie up becuase it was too hard for her. Too hard? What the hell did she expect? What, we'd raise ourselves, that having a kid was a cakewalk? I know lots and lots of single parents raising their children on almost nothing, it's hard, yes, but they get it done becuase they truely love their children and couldn't see being without them. Obviously, my mother could see living without us. She not only saw it, but wanted it. She wanted a life without me, without my brother or without Chelsie. Now, after 20 years, she's decided she really does want us. Probably becuase her years are catching up to her and she is afraid she'll die never having the pleasure of her children. Well, tough titty, I say. She made her decision a loooong time ago. She ruined my life before I even had a chance to live it, now she wants me to come back? For what? More pain? Screw that. Screw them. They don't deserve me. And by "They" I mean my entire family. Anyone of my relatives could have taken us in, but they chose not to. The state most likely asked them all first before placing us in an orphanage. They said no, they didn't want me. So they can screw off too. I don't expect anyone of you to understand where I'm coming from, what I've gone through, the hell that is my life. It's almost horrific the things that me and my brother have experienced because of her callous decision. I have no love for my tormentors, and I probably never will. There's nothing more painful, no wound so deep, as being stabbed in the back by those closest to you. It's affected me in ways I can't even comprehend. Everything about me derives from her decision. My anger, my bitterness, my lack of self esteem, my uncaring, unfeeling stone-cold heart. It's all because of them. They want me? They have to deal with what they have created. If I didn't tell them how I feel, tell them how much I have suffered and hurt, I'll never be able to get past it. I could have hidden these things from them, hell, I have until just now, but I would be lying to myself and them. I couldn't live with that. My pain is their pain too, and we shall all endure it, because I'll be damned if I'm going to let her think everything is hunky-dory, that all is forgiven and forgotten. My brother is taking that approach, and I think my sister Chelsie has as well, but not so blindly. I can't. I can't dellude myself into thinking I love these people, thinking that everything I went through was meaningless and arbitrary. It wasn't. ~X |
You can call me a moron, I don't hold it against you. Like I said in another post here. I don't expect you all to understand how I feel. Really, I don't care if you do. It's my issue to deal with.
But yes, I would give up every day of the last 20 years to go back and grow up like a normal person with a normal family like normal people do. I would give up all the years on the streets, all the foster homes, adoptive homes, orphaneges, group homes and residential institutions. I'd give up all the friends I'd ever made, all the accomplishments I've achieved, everything for the chance to be whole and loved, and to love in return. My life means nothing to me. I've tried to take it a few times, they're lucky I was even alive when they decided to find me again. Wouldn't have that been a kicker? Oh, too late, he clocked out at 12. Congratulations, you have a rotting baby boy. ~X |
Such ideals are fairy tales. People are selfish. She may have convinced herself she did it for our benefit, but I know that's a lie. She did it because she didn't want to deal with it herself, she told me so, not so blatantly, but the message was the same. It was too hard for "me", "I" couldn't handle it. As if it was supposed to be easy raising two children by yourself. And she wasn't even alone. She had her family, and my father up to a point. She wasn't alone, she had help, but even that wasn't enough. Best intentions are what the shameful claim when their crap hits the fan. Intentions don't matter. The acts do.
~X |
There is nothing any of us could do. If you feel that your family hates you. I mean, I'd do my best to hel you in anyway, but I have nothing I can do.
Talking to a shrink or something of that nature my help. If you're up to ideas, you'll try it. -Angel |
Hey Xooxer, I feel for you, not because I've gone through something like you, but because I have the ability to actually understand people's situations.
Where as some newbie or other pereson would have posted here expecting sympathy, you're actually posting here to see what others think that you should do. I am currently in the understanding that your family are now trying to speak to you, or are they still ignoring you? What are the reasons that they thought it best for you to go into government care, and do they understand what you went through in the specific institutions? You have to make sure that you understand why you were put into government care in the first place, and you must make your parents know what you went through during this time. Only then will you both accept the fact that you are not back into contact with each other. I have a un-related problem but simular to parental issues. My 'real' father, who concieved me, ran off when he found out I was 'concieved' in the first place. My dad now, who is technically my step-dad (I just call him my actual dad because he's been there all my life) took over in his place, and has been since I was born. I find myself disliking him very much (my step-dad) and I feel this is wrong, seeing as he's been there for me and my mother since my beggining, but I still dislike him. Although, if I ever found my real-father, I'm not sure what I'd do. I'd either take a liking to him, which would be unlikely, or I would be severely POd at him. Either way we'd have to do something about it. These things happen, and the come and go. You just need to hold on tight, and hope you make it through. Hope this helps! |
Thats a real touching story everytime i hear a story like that it makes me want to cry but i dont. Im not an expert but maybe u should accept them i know what they did to u but maybe it was for a good cause.
I've got news for you, most peoples lifes are not normal. And when they are, the person produced seems to be less mentaly stable than those who had horrible childhoods. Sometimes a picture perfict childhood seems nice, but then I see some of the brats around here and am thankful I grew up to know the value of a dollar and what is truely important.
I know this might sound stupid, but would you give up all your years of suffering for your state of being now?
Would you give up that in exchange for being an 'internet moron', typing in all capitals like your mum?