I was in a round as Madara and I caught a AN(Spongekill) with wood prison, went rikudo and used push to kill.
I was immediately booted without warning because i killed him. Not only is this wood prison thing been possible as far as I can recall. And i can say that as someone who plays cosab DAILY.
The action is NOT on the banlist.
I Was NOT warned just booted for something not brought up to me at any point.
Not only that he said nothing during. He waited until the transformation ended and the round took place.
He got upset and then booted to flex is verbs, why is this shit part of the staff?
He doesn't need to be acting like that at all.
He booted me for "Glitch abuse", because he assumes I would purposely abuse kill an admin.
He seems confident he will not be punished for this crap. Will post SS if needed.
![]() Jun 11 2015, 6:50 am
And he wants to claim he told me when numerous people were on.
I also would like to point this out, he claims he told numerous people(Aswell as myself) of this yet didnt add it to the banlist.
Your going to tell everyone about a bug, and not add it to the banlist?
Hes full of crap, hes lying to try and cover up. Claiming hes not petty cause he waited until after the round to boot me.