In response to Jon88

Yeah helps to spell it right when programming :).
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:

Yeah helps to spell it right when programming :).

Spell what right? I'm not exactly sure why they called the function "COLOR". It's probably just a non-sensical arbitrary arrangement of letters. :)
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Hell Ramen wrote:
Jon88 wrote:
Hell Ramen wrote:
You know you want to tell me how, Jon.


Sorry for being a nub, but I can't find that. <_<;
I understand the tutorials (what I've read so far, atleast)

Check the QBasic help files. They're excellent.

Well, I kinda' can't. >_>
That's what I'm trying to say.
In response to Hell Ramen
That's not the QBasic help files. That's the MS-DOS help files. And it looks like you're running it with DosBox. When you run QBasic you can either press Esc or F1(I forget which) to access the help fiels.
My intro to programming class taught VB .NET 0_o

Crazy beans... now I'm off to C++ which is infinitesimally more difficult than 'point-n-click' VB-style.

In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
That's not the QBasic help files. That's the MS-DOS help files. And it looks like you're running it with DosBox. When you run QBasic you can either press Esc or F1(I forget which) to access the help fiels.

It's Shift+F1, and, same thing happens. =/ Same as F1.
Is a text file supposed to pop-up?
Sorry for beinga nub. >_>
In response to Hell Ramen
Start the windows XP command prompt, and run QBasic from there.
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Start the windows XP command prompt, and run QBasic from there.

I can't get it to work, I give up. (I can run QBasic with the CMD prompt...)
Thanks for helping so far, though.
In response to Hell Ramen
Give me an email, I can give you the help file again. [email protected]
In response to Hell Ramen
Crash course in COLOR:

COLOR takes one or two arguments. The first number is the foreground colour. The second number is the background colour, and is optional.

Colours are referred to using numbers, like so:

color 0 'black
color 1 'dark blue
color 2 'dark green
color 3 'cyan (light blue)
color 4 'red
color 5 'magenta (purple)
color 6 'brown
color 7 'white/grey
color 8 'dark grey
color 9 'medium blue
color 10 'light green
color 11 'light cyan
color 12 'light red/orange
color 13 'light magenta (pink)
color 14 'yellow
color 15 'white

(List taken from this very shoddy article which I recommend you don't read.)

So to set a red foreground and pink background (my eyes, the goggles, they do nothing!) you would do this:

COLOR 4,13

To change only the foreground colour to, say, yellow, you'd do this:


The foreground colour takes effect for text/graphics drawn after the COLOR statement. I think the background colour works the same way, but don't quote me on that.
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