Ok, I'll admit it; I'm headphone challenged! I still use "Normal" headphones, you know, the kind that rest on your head with the speakers that go over your ears. Sadly, it doesn't fit in my pocket, and that's a pain when I want to go out with my MP3 player en' poquet (Yeah, not real French).

So, I tried earbuds. Arg, bloody lil' blodgers, make me mad, hurt my ear lobes.

Of course those earbuds came free with my MP3 player, and now they are broken - Are there any other cheap earbuds that are small and have good quality that any of you recommend?

...preferably ones that don't make my ears bleed when I jab them in there. =P


If ear buds hurt your ears use the little covers that come with them. They make a big difference.
Most ear buds are pretty good. I'd avoid the round ones and go straight for the ones that are inner-ear shaped. They don't fall out as often and they don't need to stretch anything to get them in.

There's also the option of the headphones that sort of clip around your ears. They're a mixture of the normal headphones that rest over your ears and the ear buds.

There's also the fold-away option. I don't see much of them, but they're basically the 'normal' style headphones but they fold down into a little package about the size of the two speakers stacked on top of each other. They're pretty good but would probably get snapped (like flip phones).
Ear buds are nice if you get used to them. My mp3 player came with some nice ones. At first they hurt after having them in for about 6-9 hours a day, but now they do not. I cant suggest a brand, but regular headphones hurt my ears just as much, so I don't see them as any better, and they are bigger and more annoying to wear.
What about these?
I know you said cheap, but those sound pretty good. If your willing to spend a couple of hundred dollars on them ;)
In response to Data-Con
Heh, I've got like a $20.00 bill ^_^

In response to DarkView
DarkView wrote:
There's also the fold-away option. I don't see much of them, but they're basically the 'normal' style headphones but they fold down into a little package about the size of the two speakers stacked on top of each other. They're pretty good but would probably get snapped (like flip phones).

These are what I use, I've had them for about 3 years, and they're still great. I suggest 'em. Preferrably the Sony.
In response to Airjoe
Any links or model #'s? :)
