The BYONDscape payouts for Q2 and Q3 of 2004 are now credited to the authors. Q4 should come in about two weeks. Thanks for your patience, authors!
Woot. I made $1.80! Awesome.
Gughunter wrote:
The BYONDscape payouts for Q2 and Q3 of 2004 are now credited to the authors. Q4 should come in about two weeks. Thanks for your patience, authors!

Byondscape submiters get money from byondscape signups?

How do you determin how much some one gets? By the downloads somthing gets?
In response to Green Lime
Green Lime wrote:
Byondscape submiters get money from byondscape signups?

How do you determin how much some one gets? By the downloads somthing gets?

Read the "Rights and Compensation" section of this document.
Crap, I was too late on my current submission...I guess I will have to wait till next Q.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
Crap, I was too late on my current submission...I guess I will have to wait till next Q.

Yours will be counted as Q1 2005 (January-March). The good news is that now that I have a Python script to do all the calculating, there's a decent chance I'll actually be prompt this time. In fact, I made a note in my planner for early April.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
In fact, I made a note in my planner for early April.

Notice the omission of any reference to a specific year...
