I saw this show too, and it's kind of weird because a couple of kids were talking about it last Friday in school o.O I think it's a big coincidence that you could assemble words, and yes, you could probably do that in any book. And the show didn't end on a negative note, it ended saying that if these codes were true (highly unlikely in my opinion), we can change our destiny if we already know it. You also left out the part about the nuclear holocaust ;)
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Why do you guys give "oh, I'm an athiest" as an excuse to bash people's religion? Your claims are just as boned as hardcore religious claims, so how does being an athiest add any weight to your argument?

You know what I dislike about Atheism? Atheists. :P

Exactly what I was thinking.

"Don't be offended, I'm against your religion, so it's alright to take the piss".
In response to Kunark
The same way Nostradamus said the anti christ would come and destroy the earth in 1999. Yeah if you twist what he said, he can predict anything. For example. Everybody thinks he mentioned Hitler, no. He said Hister. You can't just change things.
In response to Elation
I agree... >=P

That makes just about as much sense as:

"That's ok, I'm a white supremacist, it's ok to burn black people!"

In response to JordanUl
"Hister" is a type of beetle. I believe it's a mimic beetle.

...just F.Y.I. =P

In response to Kujila
I for one, welcome our beetle overlords.
In response to Kujila
I believe in almost all of it, except god. I don't believe god exists. But I am sorry for bashing your beliefs, I will try to be more careful next time. I'm sorry for my response in such a hostile manor, I should not be bashing others beliefs.
In response to Strawgate
Yeah, instead you should make up your own religion/oxymoron.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Like the religion of "LOL"

...because that would ROCK!

In response to Kujila
What, you mean this religion of LOL?
In response to Kujila
Would you have to go around laughing like an idiot continually?

There are loads of 'end of the world' theories - like on the BBC recently there was something about a supervolcano destroying most of america.
There is a whole site devoted to them, somewhere.
In response to Hazman
Man that was a cool site, I need to find it now..
In response to Elation
NICE! Ahahah... XD

In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
You know what I dislike about Atheism? Atheists. :P

Love the <s>sinner</s> atheist, hate the <s>sin</s> atheism. ;-)
In response to Kujila
Well, first off. I don't doubt that hister is a kind of beetle, I just dont have the will to want to fact check it. Plus I trust kujila. However hister was also the name of the lower danube in nostradomus' time.

And yes the bible code is a very real thing. It has been proven scientificaly more than once, in both hebrew and english. It also applies to any text large enough to take aproprate samples from. Tolkien, Tad williams, the bible, and yes even your highschool history book. I would like to see if it applies to the blue book though. wouldnt that be nifty.

However it is important to remember that when they say the world will end, they ususally dont mean that the world will just stop to be and we are all gonna die. Although that is bound to happen eventually. What they mean, and you would know this if you payed attention to the show, is that the world as we know it will cease to be. This isnt necisarraly a bad thing.

Take for example columbuses discovery of america. The world as they new it ended then. The discovery of gun poweder. The construction of the dreadgnought class of battleships. (And yes battle ships did change the world) Hitler's invasion of poland. The detanation of the trinity device (the worlds first nuclear device, not the first bomb months later.) Mans first step into space and and the moon landings. Even 9-11. The world as america knew it definatly ended that day.

Death is just a natural part of life, and althoughh one thing ends from its destruction the seeds of a new and far greater thing are sewn. It is up to us as a people to see to it that it continues to grow and flourish.

So all in all, calm down. Even if the world does come to a fiery end, if you live your life to the fullest. Treat other people as best you can and work twards the betterment of all those around you (including yourself) then you need have no fear of death, for your next stage of lifes great journey. And even if you do not feel the need to continue your journey on the wheel of life then the gods of your choice will welcome you into the hearafter with open arms.
In response to Madcrackfiend
Madcrackfiend wrote:
And yes the bible code is a very real thing. It has been proven scientificaly more than once, in both hebrew and english.

It's not a 'real thing'. It's proved that random sequences of characters forming words appear, but they weren't intentional.

Take for example columbuses discovery of america. The world as they new it ended then. The discovery of gun poweder. The construction of the dreadgnought class of battleships. (And yes battle ships did change the world) Hitler's invasion of poland. The detanation of the trinity device (the worlds first nuclear device, not the first bomb months later.) Mans first step into space and and the moon landings. Even 9-11. The world as america knew it definatly ended that day.

Almost all of those examples were TERRIBLE things!

So all in all, calm down. Even if the world does come to a fiery end, if you live your life to the fullest. Treat other people as best you can and work twards the betterment of all those around you (including yourself) then you need have no fear of death, for your next stage of lifes great journey.

Ucky! If I knew the world was coming to a feiry end (soon), then my end of the social contract would break down, I'd have nothing to lose. So I'd go round mugging old women and attacking people.
In response to Data-Con
we can change our destiny if we already know it.

But if it never happens then it was never your destiny to begin with :).

If you know the future and change it then you didn't see the future just what you needed to see to cause it.
In response to Theodis
Damn them paradox's
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
we can change our destiny if we already know it.

But if it never happens then it was never your destiny to begin with :).

If you know the future and change it then you didn't see the future just what you needed to see to cause it.

Don't go all Oracle-from-the-Matrix on me, Theodis.
In response to Trunks0577
Trunks, please don't quote entire posts then put one word. That's kind of chatty.
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