Dropped today, wanted to know if anyone got it yet? I hear PC'player saying its not what they expected but *Shrugs*, it's always better off on platforms anyway.
Currently downloading it via Ps4 ^.^
![]() Jun 9 2015, 2:41 pm
![]() Jun 9 2015, 2:51 pm
Played it for like a week when it came out. Was not too impressed, to be honest. I had more fun playing Skyrim.
I played it all the way through beta. It was conceptually flawed from the beginning... Best way I could describe it was "aggressively underwhelming".
it's always better off on platforms anyway. O_o u wot? |
He's a console peasant, pay him no mind. Well, he does have one valid point that he could make. That by the time MMOs usually get sent out to consoles the game's been in release for a while on PC and they aren't as rough of an experience. Other than that, though... MMO is the only genre that basically never actually works on a console other than RTSes and R4X games. |
... Well I enjoyed DA:I and Witchers on my ps4, lead me to believe MMO's can do quite well on either or.
For actual MMO experience, DCUO provides a nice experience on and off console. I've played on PS3, PS4, and PC. PC is, of course, the best experience, but the console version appeared more stable/reliable(I would take a guess at the hardware being almost exactly the same across all iterations of a console playing a role in that).
For actual MMO experience, DCUO provides a nice experience on and off console. I've played on PS3, PS4, and PC. PC is, of course, the best experience, but the console version appeared more stable/reliable(I would take a guess at the hardware being almost exactly the same across all iterations of a console playing a role in that). DCUO - https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/ for anyone who didn't know. I prefer online console games, especially ones with newer consoles PS4 XBONE as these haven't been "cracked" "hacked" which doesn't ruin gameplayer as no one is able to hack/exploit in game. |
Ter13 wrote:
Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't an MMO. i was literally complaining to my girlfriend yesterday about how that game has extremely sleepy MMO combat and how i could close my eyes and mash buttons and still defeat most enemies easily and how overly complex combat can ruin open sandboxy world exploration games she encouraged me to play it and i wasnt really impressed at all |
To be honest, Elder Scrolls Online is an Elder Scrolls alternative to the Neverwinter MMO.
Yut Put wrote:
Ter13 wrote: My girlfriend and I don't talk about games. I suggest games that she will enjoy, but other than that she doesn't want to hear anything I have to say about games. She says I ruin games by over analyzing the mechanics and reducing every setting/story element into a trope. |
I just can't get into MMOs because they're all just grindfests. When a game's entire value comes from hours invested over actual content, I just can't. Skyrim is great, there's no reason for an online Skyrim. Skyrim has interesting books, rudimentary dungeons, and I just feel so epic when I can ride mother$#@!ing dragons. Adding online to that just means I have to mute people and deal with gold sellers and yadda yadda yadda.
Simply put, ESO should never have existed. |
Ter13 wrote:
Yut Put wrote: lmfao my friends and family tell me the exact same thing. it's actually a significant problem i have with people, lol |