As a loyal and devout member of the BYOND community I'd like to say a few things. Please keep in mind, I have BYOND's best interest at heart.
1) Too many Dragon Ball Z games.
Perhaps there should be a limit on games with themes. Lets say, three at the most. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with Dragon Ball Z, I even like it a tad bit. But when there are 100 games that have the same title, icons, and theme it begins to get annoying and has made me very disinterested in BYOND. Also, there are many programmers that spend their time on making Dragon Ball Z games. If they couldn't make DBZ they might actually turn to making something creative, which would increase the chances of someone making a "One Hit Wonder" which could attract a multitude of players!
2) Can I have some specifics on the abscense of BYONDimes?
Mar 22 2005, 3:18 pm
I agree with #1
And what do you mean "Specifics" HAve you been absent for a while or something? Anyway, they got rid of them b/c of so many people abusing the system, at least thats what I hear. |
In response to N1ghtW1ng
OK, this is annoying. :(
This is also more or less what a moderator will say (except blunter, more honest):
No. No moan about DBZ, ungh. | index.cgi?action=message_read&id=224841&forum=5&view=1
I agree to an extent, but as long as they are following the rules they should be allowed to have their own dream. If they are breaking the rules, I entirely agree. |
WoePoet wrote:
1) Too many Dragon Ball Z games. We don't need more of these discussions. We're working on ways to make it easier to screen out types of games you don't want to see. 2) Can I have some specifics on the abscense of BYONDimes? The financial model didn't work out. There were many scams and other problems, and it wasn't worth the hassle. |
That is always good =P
This has been said a lot.
I think it had to do with that people were abusing the dime system. I think they basically were stealing >.>