Throughout most of my byond-ing' I've started alot of projects which came to an end due to lack of motivation. I don't know, it's like some days I wake up and I'm sych'd to work on the game, and then a couple hours or a day after I lose all motivation.
I wanted to know if you guys have any tips or advice for STICKING to games and dealing with projects?
Jun 9 2015, 2:11 pm
I decided to reactivate my account because I feel as though I can offer you some assistance. I have quite a bit of experience, you see. I've been on BYOND for 8-9 years and in that time I have failed miserably at game development, again and again, due to my lack of motivation.
You're probably thinking, "Ex-BiasMod, you fail so hard bro, how can you halp me? You ain't 1337, you 133-broke." Well, HaxRp, I can help you by advising you to do the exact opposite of what I've done over the years.
That HD game is actually kind of motivating itself. I never in a million years thought to see 3D on byond and that alone proves the impossible. I mean, my usual insights and hopes from finishing a project is to a game I constructed for once, that FUNCTIONS.
Thank's for all the advice, I have to admit I have been surrounding myself with a bunch of idiots and people who're only interested just because they benefits or whatever it is these peeps crave for now'adays- I do think that's why most of my motivation even WITH a staff seems to drop. |
Some random thoughts:
At the end of the day you just need to be brutally honest with yourself about what your goals are, and what it will actually take to achieve those goals. It's not going to be easy, it's not always going to be fun, and you'll definitely have days where you feel like giving up. Overcoming those challenges isn't a matter of just "keeping your eye on the prize"; you need to be absolutely sure that you want the prize before you even get started. |
Alternatively if you have good friends working alongside you, projects often stay fun and fresh for much longer. I'm working on a project with a few co-workers of mine and it's a blast.
In response to DanteVFenris
DanteVFenris wrote:
Cause men don't quit President Nixon (on August 8, 1974): Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. |
In response to Zecronious
Okay I had to look at a whole 4 minute video for that. Not everyone lives in usa. Heck I dont even care about the names of my own government or care what there doing.
And being a man isn't a physical thing, it's a mental ability that surpasses reason and logic. This Nixon dude clearly wasn't a man as he quit. |
everything silkwizard said is what i do to push things out
simple concept that i can get playable fairly quick, can be easily described, and i don't think for a second about the story("smash bros + mario kart","2d soulsvania morpg","super crate box + hunger games") simple art style that still can look nice. art kills 90% of games. the less art you have to do for your game, the more likely it'll be playable. establish a basic milestone where you could leave the game and still call it "finished" any further content additions will just make it a longer game. dont tell anyone about the game until you have a playable demo. this is a mistake a lot of people who are new to game dev make byond theorem should be words you live by if you don't already have it memorized: "never announce something you have not yet done. try, and you will instantly lose all motivation to do it." |