Keywords: dogs, photos
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Two black pugs!

(click any picture to enlarge)

We brought him home tonight after a whirlwind of events that changed his life and ours.

When he got fleas a few days ago, his mean/stupid owners freaked out and decided they didn't want him anymore. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? They dumped him at the shelter. Sounds like they were really prepared for the responsibilities of dog ownership (NOT -- imagine much rolling of eyes here).

A nice rescue group got him out of the shelter, neutered him, treated his fleas and his infected ears, and put him up for adoption. His picture went up last night, we saw it on the website, and we couldn't resist. I called this morning and set up an appointment to come see him in the evening. We brought the rest of the pack (Bruno and Sasha) to meet him, filled out a little paperwork, and brought him home.

His original stupid owners called him Lucky. Apparently it's bad luck for a shelter dog to be called Lucky, so the rescue people temporarily named him Ryder. That name was ok, but we thought we could do a little better. Since his name would be changing anyway, might as well make it a good one.

Meet Oliver.

The pack is now complete.
Does this make a total of three dogs now?
Yup, and that's the limit for dogs per household in this city.
I love all your pug pictures. It makes me want a pug.
If it wasn't the limit, why doesn't it surprise me that you'd find yourself with more. >.>
I want a pug so badly now!

Cute :)
Cute! Looks thin though, you better fatten him up. =p
Awesome pups, I've been asking for a pug for a year or so now, but my mum isn't having any of it.

Time to move out then =D
What, no updated CSS? For shame Mr. H. You have to make the dog feel like he belongs, the lab will understand and it will make Oliver feel like he already has a place.

P.S. Nice way to hide the content from the Members main page. Also, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is up with Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? :P
Omg, seirra mist
Oliver's definitely very thin. Just like when we first got Bruno, you can see Oliver's ribs and he's practically nothing around the waist. Considering that pugs are very prone to becoming overweight, that must mean both pups were seriously neglected in their former lives. Bruno gained 6 pounds with us, and I expect about the same from Oliver.

Sasha was just the opposite of these two: she came to us about 15-20 pounds overweight. The only area of neglect there was exercise! She's lost about 10 now and has a bit more to go.

The CSS will change in good time, when I have some good pictures... last night's were just quick snapshots. Besides, the current theme has been up less than 5 days, and I like it a lot.
Pugs are my favourite type of dog. =)

Cancel that, I figured it out <.<

Neat trick.
<3 doggies
I love the first picture, it looks like the one on the left is smiling.
Very Cute! I have a black Brussels Griffon which looks a lot like Bruno, just with longer hair.
SuperAntx wrote:
What's better than a black pug? A white one. =)

Are you a racist?
How cute! I love pugs, Oliver is very fortunate to have met you, I'm sure he'll be happier with you than his old owners as well, congradulations.
Oliver's the name of my cat. We like to say we adopted him, although in reality he adopted us. He also sheds "All Over". So it was a fitting name on many levels.
hahaha @ Foomer