At roughly 1:45 PM, my sister calls for me to get ready so we can go to the store and pick up a pair of pants that comply with the dress code, and then go straight to work. I moan, groan, and 10 minutes later I actually start to get dressed to go because hey, I have a hard time looking forward to a job which has a shift of 3 PM to 1 AM for a crummy wage I'm not even seriously keeping (it's going to my mom to help out). So at 2:10 or so, I come downstairs. I get my shoes on and a coat because it hasn't stopped raining since yesterday.
I hate the rain.
My sister and I get into her car. She was angry about my dad starting to charge her rent ever since he "disowned" her the previous day, but she doesn't have to worry about that now. The rain is still coming down as if the heavens started to rapidly press the heavenly toilet flush handle while I do nothing but listen to my sister for a while. I wasn't willing to strike up a conversation because in half an hour she was going to be my boss at work. I slouch back in my chair, put my foot up and close my eyes while we're cruising down the road at 45 Mph.
Oh no! NO! NO! NO!
I perk my head up and glance to the side just long enough to see my sister punching the car horn. I look forward as I see a military trailer truck...thing in the middle of the road. The driver was trying to make an illegal U-turn right in the middle of the road, and the corner of the back of the trailer is lined up with me. Because the roads are wet and have rendered my sister's attempts at braking useless, distance is rapidly closing and I only have enough time to think one thing.
Oh (poop).
My sister and I snap forward as two large pale rocks that we know of to be our air bags inflate to a size rivaling J-Lo's (butt) to cushion us as we fly forward.

A strange chalky mist is farted from the airbags as our car bounces off of the army vehicle and into someone's yard (A police officer later told us we skidded about 50 feet off the road). All I could say at first was "Thank God we both had our seatbelts on" because when thinking about it, with the position I was in I could've snapped in half.
My sister says "Get out." as she unbuckles and swings her door open to escape. My door is partially jammed, so I had to wedge it open with my legs but I also get out with little more than minor whiplash and a bruised knee (due to my leg being up when we hit). My sister is seriously shaken up at this point when I go around and look at the front of the car.
It was absolutely horrible. The front of the car was almost smashed inward right up to the windshield on my side, but no so much on my sister's side. She didn't take too kindly to my attempt to offer her the licence plate that was now disconnected from the front of the car, and neither was my comment that I was glad I had a sister that always put me before her (it was my side that slammed into the other car). Half an hour later, my sister is able to get my mom on the phone and after a few ambulances arrive, and are dismissed, she's able to get to the scene and pick us up. The police officer, along with 3-4 witnesses all agreed that it was the other driver's fault for trying to make such an absurd turn in the middle of the road (their excuse was they had passed the McDonald's and wanted to turn around to pick some food up).
My mom drives us to the hospital to make sure we're alright. The doctor looks us over, agrees we're fine, and lets us go. The car was absolutely wrecked and will not turn on now, but everyone escaped from the accident unscathed and at least I didn't have to go to Pizza Hut.
And now I'm going to finish this post up with a farewell for tonight, for the pizza delivery guy just showed up.
Glad you are alright, but, do you think your manager is going to believe this story. =P