


Cast thine vote!!!!!

And by the way, I got these photos from Bwicki, so they posted them with their own consent!

Anyway, I'ma go with Guggems, though, skysaw would get his revenge when Gughunter wasn't looking.
Well, I think Gughunter wouldn't have the heart to really hit anyone (especially Skysaw) but, I guess if he really pissed 'em off or if Gug completely disregarded his good nature then, Gug all the way!
In response to Teh Governator
Yeah, agreed. Sky has no chance. Look at Gug's mean eyes! He could eat Sky. Sky, sorry to say, don't go picking a fight with Gug. ;-)
Skysaw would use his elite spy tools that he has in his game MLAAS. Gugs wouldn't stand a chance with a batch of plastic explosives to the face!
Gug has a tie, so he wins by default.

Skysaw looks a *tiny* bit like Data from Star Trek. Maybe it's just the shirt, though.
Personally, I would like to know what "they" think about it.

In response to Teh Governator
Gug looks like someone who works for the government. Part of the CIA or something. Plus in that picture his face has the "I will hurt you" look on it. Scary.
Ok, this has to be settled with a half-arsed Flash animation!

Hurry; someone make one!

Does Gughunter get to use his hat of doom? =)
In response to Kujila
This sounds like a shameless plug that your going to make one soon ;) ;)
In response to Kunark
I would, but alas - My skill is <= a turd, and my fascinating English III studies of The Adventures of Huckleberry Fin consume my being...

Gug looks like 1 of two things, like he took more steroids than Jason Giambi or a retired wrestler that became a lawyer. I saw he would win. Besides Sky is a singer, not a fighter.
...Is anyone else but me surprised this didn't get deleted?

My vote actually went to Gughunter from the start. Sorry Sky, but you just don't look like you've done a whole lot of fighting... Gughunter, on the other hand, has Hunter in his name... Not to mention that he doesn't appear to have eyebrows, what says badass like a missing pair of eyebrows?
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Not to mention that he doesn't appear to have eyebrows, what says badass like a missing pair of eyebrows?

Oh yeah


In response to Kujila
...WOW... Now, that's impressive. One sentence about eyebrows and it's already been turned into a DBZ conversation. My hat is off to you, Kujila.
Guy would win, but Sky would cheat. Sure, Sky has his spy gear, but Guy has a lethal critter hungry for flesh. >.>

~X <font color="#C6C6C6">ph34r t3h cr1773r!</font>
In response to Ter13
...all Gug needs now is long, spikey, yellow hair and he can own everyone...

Let's all pray we never have to find out!
I would so kick their asses.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Let's all pray we never have to find out!

Cant you and Sky just duke it out for fun? I'll give you both money.
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