I've recently fallen across use of a shell server that uses bash (a java shell program) as the shell access console. How do I install BYOND on the server, first, and second, how do I run a BYOND game on said server?

I don't have any experience with shells, can anyone point me right?
Try searching the forum. There are many posts about it I think. You might be able to contact Digi, he is good with Linux, but maybe bash also >.>
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Do I have to run 'make here' every time I want to run Dream Daemon? Or from now on, can I just hop in and run dream daemon whenever I want?
In response to Ter13
I am pretty sure it is that one time, I might be wrong though. Also, was this free? If so can you tell me where you did it =P.
In response to Ter13
The 'make here' compiles the program and all that good stuff. If you installed as root there's nothing required to make it installed persistantly. If you installed as a normal user you need to add the "source /blah/blah/byond/bin/byondsetup" line to the startup file, usually called ".bash_profile" or ".profile" Linux considers files with a period at the beginning hidden, so to view them you use the "ls -a" command in your home directory.

Also, "bash" isn't the program used to access the system, it's the program the serve is using to let you enter commands. Instead of using a slugish Java-based SSH program I suggest checking out Putty it's a very well-done way to access shell servers using Windows.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
It was free, but I've got hook-ups through a friend. I have to pay for domains, but just to make you jealous:

DDG hosting:

DDGUpgrade hosting package:
- Linux OS
- Quad Intel Xeon 2.4ghz Processor
- 8gb RAM
- 10k RPM HDD
- Multi-Gigabit verio backbone
- 1 terabyte transfer limit per month.
- 3.5GB Storage space
- unlimited subdomains
- unlimited MySQL databases
- up to 10 trillion pre-paid domains (yeah, I don't even comprehend why anyone would need more than four or five.)

All for the low, low cost of $0 per month. The only reason I managed to recieve this package was because I have a friend who is friends with the owner. He and I are sharing our own server machine. He has this manga discussion board up, and he only uses like 300mb transfer per month, so I decided that it would be a shame to let that entire terrabyte of transfer go to waste.

Now, I WISH I could hook you up with free hosting, but it's just not in my power. He does have some decent packages available. It's about $40 per month for his standard package. It's not so bad a price, and it is EXTREMELY fast, and SERIOUSLY reliable.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
It was free, but I've got hook-ups through a friend. I have to pay for domains, but just to make you jealous:

DDG hosting:

DDGUpgrade hosting package:
- Linux OS
- Quad Intel Xeon 2.4ghz Processor
- 8gb RAM
- 10k RPM HDD
- Multi-Gigabit verio backbone
- 1 terabyte transfer limit per month.
- 3.5GB Storage space
- unlimited subdomains
- unlimited MySQL databases
- up to 10 trillion pre-paid domains (yeah, I don't even comprehend why anyone would need more than four or five.)

All for the low, low cost of $0 per month. The only reason I managed to recieve this package was because I have a friend who is friends with the owner. He and I are sharing our own server machine. He has this manga discussion board up, and he only uses like 300mb transfer per month, so I decided that it would be a shame to let that entire terrabyte of transfer go to waste.

Now, I WISH I could hook you up with free hosting, but it's just not in my power. He does have some decent packages available. It's about $40 per month for his standard package. It's not so bad a price, and it is EXTREMELY fast, and SERIOUSLY reliable.

lol, Ter just about craped his pants when he saw what my server has, lol

it's free only to me because me and the owner have been friends since kindergarten, so yeah.

but if you people want some nice servers try checking him out.