I've heard it takes months and sometimes I've heard up to a year to be reviewed, but I've seen some come up within one week or so. I've also heard if you complain that they'll just deny your game, which if this is the case, what has BYOND come to? I've seen some pretty weak games published on BYOND and I've seen games better than that denied. Mine has been for four months and four days. I've seen games past this date published, how come? Do they check the games of the people they know first or is there a ranking system?
note:Please don't leave any smart remarks.
Apr 9 2005, 9:05 pm
The main reason for this is that not all hub reviewers have access to all channels. (In fact, most don't.)
Hub standards have been increasing in semi-recent times... there are older games that were published when the standards were lower, that probably wouldn't get published now.
I certainly don't automatically reject people's games if they complain, and I'd be critical of any reviewer that did. I doubt that it ever happened; more likely the game in question just wasn't good enough to get published. =)