Ryne Rekab wrote:
Homosexuals. Blah. I hate them and I am not a believer in religion. Homophobia. Blah. I hate it and I am not a believer in ignorance. |
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
Ryne Rekab wrote: Let him have his opinion Wiz - it's his right, no matter how biased, or hatred motivated it may be - it's still his right. Because, sooner or later - people will realize that it's as simple as that. I just hope people like him don't let their hatred get in the way of their responsibility to do what's right in the name of humanity & our country and it's constitution. |
I'm not going to go on a killing spree of gays and/or jews don't worry...
Hell I just don't like the idea behind it. I mean come on... it's naturally wrong. Male + Male = nothing Female + Female = nothing Male + Female = child Male + Female + Female = fricken sweet.... -Ryan |
Ryne Rekab wrote:
I'm not going to go on a killing spree of gays and/or jews don't worry... Well, then - by your thinking, you'd also be in the wrong. Because, Male + Female + Female = homosexual tendencies. Which would make you a hipocrit only seeking what's best for you under special circumstances. Especially when you only consider it "fricken sweet" when two chicks get together with a guy. |
The two chick weren't in any way together in my head. You're the one coming up with homosexual thoughts.
-Ryan |
Ryne Rekab wrote:
The two chick weren't in no way together in my head. You're the one coming up with homosexual thoughts. Then, why did you find it relevant to include the: Male+Female+Female? |
Yeah but what you've really got to think about is did those people wisen up the situation or was it just because of a very special episode of Friends.
I mean what percentage of the people polled know more about it than "we went to Iraq looking for WMDs, and there weren't any"? |
The females don't have to touch and be all into it... they could just be all over me. I'd love to get into the details but sure enough the post would get digi-wacked.
-Ryan |
Teh Governator wrote:
Let him have his opinion Wiz - it's his right, no matter how biased, or hatred motivated it may be - it's still his right. I'm willing to ignore educated opinions that I don't like. But I really, really loath ignorance and hate. |
Rockinawsome wrote:
The Bible says sin is sin, and there is no way around it except through the mercy of Jesus Christ. Look, you brought it up - I'm just telling you what it means. The Bible portrays actions as black and white, but people can be forgiven of them. The thing is, just because you accept it doesn't mean you are embracing it. The US is not a place for religion to be thrown into the lives of those who don't follow it, remember seperation of church and state? If you care about the rights of people other than those in your religious community, then you would not try to force your beliefs on us through the government. When you look at our government, your not supposed to look at it from a religious standpoint, your supposed to look at it from a logical standpoint, religion and politics always harbors bad things. Christians are to stand against the tides of darkness, to work out our faith with fear and trembling, and to uphold our faith despite persecution. As an American it is my place to stand up for individual rights, to uphold the law, and respect others beliefs. You want people to respect your practices, yet you can't respect others, even if they don't involve you at all. |
I'm advocating my beliefs, as are you.
I'm not forcing you to do a damn thing. Nor did I say that I wanted religous domination in politics. Also "seperation of church and state" I don't think was even part of the constitution, I think it was in a letter or something, and though I think it has a valid point, there is nothing wrong in voting or advocating the views of my religion, especially when the views of my religion helped shape the fabric of this country to begin with. |
Rockinawsome wrote:
I'm advocating my beliefs, as are you. The difference is, is that my beliefs respect this country's constitution, your beliefs respects your religion. Your not looking out for whats best for the country as a whole, your looking out for whats best for the Church in the US. Also, the ideas of separation of church and state are in the constitution, but it is not specified with those exact words. Plus, Catholicism, which I assume you are a Catholic, did not shape this country, the people who came to populate the colonies were not Catholic, and even if in some alternate reality they were, it does not mean that just because of that their ideas are whats best for the growth of this country. The constitution mentions individual rights and respect for each others beliefs, especially if they don't cause any harm or problems to the populace. There is nothing wrong in your eyes to voting with your religious ideals in mind, but there is in mine, since I know that you are not going to be voting with the best intentions for the country, but with the best intentions for your religion. However, I don't ignore the fact that sometimes religions can promote better things for this country, but not in a ton of issues at this point in time. As I said, the constitution supports the respect of others beliefs and practices, unless they cause problems with others, when your beliefs interfere with you thinking logically and looking at a problem from all sides, then you are causing problems to the country as a whole. I'm not saying that your religion leads you to doing bad things for the country, because even if you based your political decisions more on logic you could still be wrong, but I'm saying that its preventing you from educating yourself and looking at the government from a logical standpoint, and this leads to an uneducated vote. Uneducated votes are the only kind of bad votes. |
Rockinawsome wrote:
I'm advocating my beliefs, as are you. Actually, yes - you are. You're not allowing certain minorities to marry because, of your beliefs. Nor did I say that I wanted religous domination in politics. There's a difference between being dominance than what it is already? Also "seperation of church and state" I don't think was even part of the constitution, I think it was in a letter or something, and though I think it has a valid point, there is nothing wrong in voting or advocating the views of my religion, especially when the views of my religion helped shape the fabric of this country to begin with. And, actually yes, it was in the constitution. And, yes - there is something wrong with pushing your views only because, you hold the numbers in majority. And, I honestly don't give a darn if your religion helped shape this nation because, I for one don't believe that - the ONLY impact religion had on the formation of this nation was the salem witch trials. Anyone with half a brain can tell right from wrong - you don't need an organized religion to tell you it's wrong to kill someone over a piece of gum - or anything for that matter. Morals aren't a religious-only-practice, though many seem to think their religion "invented" it - is totally bogus. But, this isn't even about religion (atleast it shouldn't be), it's about the rights of the citizen (AKA: Tax Payer) which is deemed equal before the eyes of the law (in theory). To grant one group a set of rights without allowing all other groups to participate is pure monotony & is completely contradictory to the constitution it self! If the people of our nation don't soon wake up & realize that hatred brews hatred, then maybe we don't deserve to exist. |
I'm protestant, and I have 3 ancestors that came over on the May Flower, John Turner, Joseph Turner, and some whats-his-bucket Turner. I'm not real up on my geneology but I get reminded of it often enough.
If I think that my views of my religion are best for the country, then what probelm is there? Also, read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, it's pretty logical - As am I. Don't dupe yourself into believing that people have a certain faith or religion only because they are illogical, perhaps that course is logical. |
I push for my ethics, I protect my religion, and I question my religon. I see nothing wrong in ensuring the 10 commandments or otherwise, I can respect your opinion...Also look at your money, look at the pledge of allegience, look at a number of religous sayings and symbols, they cover many of the founding documents of our country. Morals can be found outside of religion, but it is a rare person who does. As for your Salem Witch trial theory...do I even need to argue that? That's so stupid - what's the point? How many founding fathers do I have to point to? How many Christian presidents have there been? Consider yourself lucky a violent strain of Islam didn't shape this country, consider yourself fortunate that the ideals fostered in this country have all helped to shape an easier life for yourself.
And, the Christian's & other religious factions are entitled to their own beliefs & practices - and, that's where it ends. As long as it doesn't effect me, or any other human being - who cares? As far as I see it, it's just as bad as legalized slavery. Certain politicians in the US Government & their supporters seem to like to control others' lives because, it doesn't fit their values or molds. And, that means we're turning our own citizens away from rights that is equally theirs to have & cherish. Well, Jack & Jill - I now pronounce you man & wife; sorry Adam & Steve - we don't allow "you people" to get married because, we're too full of our own pride & prejudice to see the larger picture in our flawed thinking. And, if ANYONE - and I mean ANYONE brings up that bogus argument about the marriage benefits being granted to homosexual couples would cost too much - I'll personally track you down & beat you with a stick the size of my choice.